Hijack Web Problem & Request

Posted by: snoopstah

Hijack Web Problem & Request - 16/04/2002 08:00

Playing with my lurverly shiny new empeg, and I like the web server that Hijack gives it, for streaming MP3 files to winamp (and much more, of course).

Couple of things though... firstly, I can stream an individual file no problems, but trying to stream a playlist results in a slight chunter from the empeg hard-disk, but nothing apparently being sent to winamp or my browser. Is this work in progress? (Running the newest version of Hijack I believe).

Secondly, is it at all feasible to be able to stream what is currently being played? I (for various reasons) would love to be able to listen to the music via WinAmp while being able to change track and view the visuals on the player. Is this possible?


Posted by: snoopstah

Re: Hijack Web Problem & Request - 16/04/2002 08:04

Small update. Turns out I can stream a playlist by going as far as the tracklist and clicking the stream button next to the playlist name at the top, but not just by streaming a playlist in the main list. That's confusing, so I'll give an example.

I have a playlist called Basement Jaxx, inside which is another playlist called Remedy and one called Rooty. Clicking 'stream' next to either of these playlists results in nothing. However, clicking one of these playlists (giving me the tracks in the album), and *then* clicking the stream button at the top left will stream the playlist correctly.

Hope this helps,

Posted by: rjf

Re: Hijack Web Problem & Request - 16/04/2002 08:23

Wow. I have had this same problem, and didn't know about the workaround of entering into the play list then using the toplevel Stream link.

Note, I only have this problem when I am using Mozilla (latest) -- IE works fine regardless.

I am sure Mark can fix this while hanging off a Rock somewhere, and probably get the whole thing on video with his new camera.

Posted by: snoopstah

Re: Hijack Web Problem & Request - 16/04/2002 08:24

Hmm, I have the problem with IE.. I use Mozilla for everything else, but it's not set up to do stuff correctly with playlists. Odd that it should work for you in one browser and not another.
Posted by: lectric

Re: Hijack Web Problem & Request - 16/04/2002 11:54

Dude, it WOULD totally rock if you could stream what was playing. Like Shoutcast for Winamp.
Posted by: lectric

Re: Hijack Web Problem & Request - 16/04/2002 11:55

Crap, that was my member post. And I forgot.
Posted by: snoopstah

Re: Hijack Web Problem & Request - 16/04/2002 15:48

Lucky for you. I *will* make newbie. I *aspire* to newbie, indeed.
Posted by: mlord

Hijack v255 Released - 16/04/2002 17:37

Okay, that's cool. It works for me either way, but I do see what's different about the two links in the HTML.

Hijack v255 is now released, with a small update that should "fix" your problem.

Posted by: snoopstah

Re: Hijack v255 Released - 17/04/2002 02:43

Hmm, oddly, that makes it work (for me) 100% in Mozilla, and 0% in IE. Even clicking at the top of a list of songs won't stream the playlist in IE any more - I can only stream individual songs.

But at least it works in Mozilla! Thanks Mark, you're a star!

Posted by: snoopstah

Re: Hijack v255 Released - 17/04/2002 02:47

Update: Even more oddly, it turns out I can stream about 1/20th of my streams in IE, and all the others fail. The ones that work, work consistently, and I can't see anything different about the links (i.e. it's NOT the case that all playlists without spaces work, or something simple like that).

Posted by: mlord

Re: Hijack v255 Released - 17/04/2002 06:10

Well, the direct "stream playlist" links now do exactly the same thing as first clicking on the playlist and then using the "stream" button at the top. Exactly the same. No difference. Nadda.

No big deal about IE, I suppose. I doubt anyone actually uses it for anything anyway.

Posted by: mlord

Re: Hijack Web Problem & Request - 17/04/2002 06:13

>Dude, it WOULD totally rock if you could stream what was playing.
>Like Shoutcast for Winamp.

That is so easy to implement in javascript that I'm not even going to bother pointing out the obvious.

Just write some JS to poll /proc/empeg_notify for the current FID, and then issue a request to stream the current FID: http://xxxxxx/name.m3u?FID=xxxxx+EXT=.m3u

Posted by: snoopstah

Re: Hijack Web Problem & Request - 17/04/2002 07:18

Hmm.. that would play the same tracks, I guess, but not the same time in the track... I guess it would be fine as long as you didn't fast-forward the track on the empeg or something.

I was more thinking of an exact replica of what was coming out of the speakers, but that would probably need an icecast server or something installing on the empeg, which would be a much bigger deal.

However, I'll look at knocking up the JS, although my JS skills are Not Good(tm).

Cheers Mark,

Posted by: rjf

Re: Hijack v255 Released - 17/04/2002 10:00

Sweet! Works great now in all my browsers!

Thanks Mark,

P.S. (And thanks for the blinking led hack, discussed in another thread).