Idea for a visual.

Posted by: tfabris

Idea for a visual. - 22/07/2002 15:26

Okay, here's my idea for a visual. It would be called "Electric Mistress".

On the screen would be the song title (or perhaps some spinning geometric shapes, or perhaps the spectrum shapes made by the Marquesas or Rorshach visuals).

Then with each beat of the music, arcs of electricity would shoot out from the title (or the geometric object) towards the edge of the screen. It would look like those electric plasma toys you can get from the sharper image, where you touch the glass and there are electric arcs shooting out from your finger. But instead of the center of the arcs being your fingertip, it would be the song title (or the geometric shapes).

I know there's no time to implement this sort of thing right now, it was just an idea I had and I wanted to get it typed in before I forgot it.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Idea for a visual. - 22/07/2002 15:29

And before anyone asks why the title "electric mistress", that's the name of a type of guitar effects processor, very popular once upon a time.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Idea for a visual. - 23/07/2002 00:16

    ... guitar effects processor ...
You make it sound like one of those (soulless) ultra-digital rackmount deals. It's an old flanger stompbox. Made by the same folks who made the Big Muff distortion stompbox, IIRC.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Idea for a visual. - 23/07/2002 10:38

Yeah, what is it with digital processors where they can't get a nice smooth flanger sound? There's nothing as sweet as the sound of a good old analog flanger. I've never heard a digital one come close to it.
Posted by: avatarTX

Hey Now! - 23/07/2002 10:57

I take offense to the use of the word SOULESS, used to describe digital rack mounted guitar equipment.. my computer is fairly digital as well, and I dare anyone to try and tell it that it has no soul.

While I do have a digital rack for my guitar, I have not mastered it well enough to want the warmth that vacuum tubes can give, so the digital stuff works fine for me. Eddy Van Halen I am not. But I understand what you are saying..
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Hey Now! - 23/07/2002 11:26

I'm quite happy to use digital effects for some stuff and analog effects for others. My rack unit is a combo device, using 12ax7 tube overdrive, but also has digital effects built-in. The one thing it's lacking is a good flanger...
Posted by: music

Re: Hey Now! - 23/07/2002 17:01

Have you checked out the MM4 or the Mod Pro?
Are they flangey enough for you?

I have not tried these modulation modelers.
But I am a fan of their amp emulation, and these guys know what they're
doing, so I have hope for these products.

Have you tried them? What did you think?

Of course, my MXR phaser works just swell for me.


Posted by: frog51

Re: Hey Now! - 24/07/2002 08:37

I agree in principle, but I am sure a digital flanger with a high enough sample rate should be fine. I use 3 different flangers - a very old analogue one, an old one I built around a digital delay line and my Zoom 4040 which ain't bad (latency is pretty poor when changing effects, but it's handy;-)

The best one for actual warmth of sound is the one I built, but that could be 'cos the analogue one is very old.