Hijack "remap ignition sense input in @AC mode"

Posted by: jamville

Hijack "remap ignition sense input in @AC mode" - 06/09/2002 22:14

As the ignition sense input transitions send a command.
That is, a command at low to high.
And a different command at high to low.

Ex: switching on the receiver (low to high=play)
switching off the receiver (high to low=sleep)

And you still would have all of your @AC mode benefits.

Joe Mumme
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Hijack "remap ignition sense input in @AC mode" - 07/09/2002 21:14

If I understand correctly, a large part of the player's behavior with regard to the ignition sense wire is hard-coded into the power control PIC on the player, and can't be remapped by Hijack. Not certain about this, though.

Still not sure what your suggestion is, though, can you clarify what you're looking for?

(And by the way, if you want Mark to see this, you probably should put it in Programming.)
Posted by: jamville

Re: Hijack "remap ignition sense input in @AC mode" - 08/09/2002 07:00

I have my second Mk2a attached to my main stereo receiver.
(Something similar to the way that your Mk1 is attached, I imagine.)

I want to be able to leave this Mk2a in standby, so that if I need to run emplode
I don't have to have that receiver powered.

Whenever that receiver is switched on, I would like this Mk2a to start playing (if it's not being emploded at the time).
And when that receiver is switched off; to return to standby.

That's all.


Really it could be one of the other inputs, I suppose.
I guess, that I got caught up the way the ignition sense input functions in the automobile.

Joe Mumme
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Hijack "remap ignition sense input in @AC mode" - 08/09/2002 11:07

Ah, I see what you're saying.

My Mk1 is simply left on constant power at all times, in standby mode. If I want to listen to it, I pick up the remote and press "Play". It's not on switched power of any kind. I do this because I use my home stereo receiver to play other things than the Mk1.

If you want your Mk2 to play every time it's switched on, then simply leave it playing when you cut the power. When it powers up again, it will continue playing.

You could do this by plugging its AC power into the "switched A/C" output on the back of your stereo receiver, if it's got one.

Of course, that precludes the emplode thing...