Current selection indication and Menu item order

Posted by: FireFox31

Current selection indication and Menu item order - 22/05/2003 17:40

A while back I mentioned two oddities in the 2.0final menu system. 1. When entering a non-playlist menu, the item which is initially selected is not the currently selected item. 2. The order of the items in the menus is not as intuitive as 1.03. See the linked thread for a more clear description (or just ask and I'll try to be more clear).

Is the "current selection indication" a consideration for being fixed? If so, I could provide any detailed information about the situation.

Also, would the empeg guys consider rearranging the menu items to make them more intuitive? If so, I have a pretty good idea of how they could be rearranged and would post the complete detailed list. If it's not a consideration, then I won't even bother.

Perhaps I should wait till 3.0b1 comes out and nicely ask that these two requests be considered then.
Posted by: FireFox31

Re: Current selection indication and Menu item order - 01/12/2003 22:15

Bump, for 3.0a. ::sigh:: Just a wish to restore the elegance of the 1.03 interface.
Posted by: image

Re: Current selection indication and Menu item order - 13/12/2003 15:25

oh yeah, thanks for reminding me. its been a week. time to start poking rob.