JEmplode Feature request

Posted by: paulj

JEmplode Feature request - 18/08/2003 23:03

Okay, playing with custom soups and maybe I'm missing something, but I'd like to be able to 1) Limit the results of the soup. Like if I want to make a soup sorted by last playtime, I'd like to be able to limit it to the last 20 or something songs. 2) sort on one thing, display another. Is there a 'transparent layer' option someplace I didn't see? Like I'd like to sort by last played time but I dont want to see the playtimes on the menu, I want to see the track name or artist & album or something.

Feel free to point me at a FAQ I might have missed - but I checked the faq as well as the various small docs on JEmplode's site without finding anything. (Yes, I run JEmplode because I'm microsoft free)


Posted by: mschrag

Re: JEmplode Feature request - 19/08/2003 04:51

You're not missing something ... well, you're missing this feature Currently, things qualify for a soup and go in in random order. That means you can't depend on the fact that the first 20 to go in would necessary be the highest sort order or lowest sort order, so it would be really tricky to only have the "bottom 20" or something like that, since we would have to add them all, sort them (which you also can't do in the releases you guys have), and then remove some of them. That gets hairy fast ... Because then if you delete a song, you have to trigger it to go look for the next lowest.

What might be nice to add into the search query is a keyword for "current time" so you could do something like "playlast > (curtime - 240000)" or something, so you can match all the songs you have played in the last x amount of time.
