keypad behaviors during shuffle mode

Posted by: dionysus

keypad behaviors during shuffle mode - 27/08/2000 11:38

I love the new behavior of the keypad during shuffle mode, and the ability to swap next/ unshuffle/ find artist / etc.. BUT I have one gripe with it..

The box saying that the action has been done gets in the way! sometimes, I like to quickly swap the next, hoping that something I like will come up; unfortunately, the "swapped next" dialogue box covers up the next item that comes up, and you have to wait for it to clear before knowing which song was swapped with... Would it be possible to either
a) decrease the amount of time that the dialogue box stays up, or
b) move the dialogue box down one line, so that you can read what's being added/swapped ?

Also, and for all I know this one's been done in 1.1, but sometimes, I like to pick individual songs as my starting point for the playlist. Unfortunately, the "find artist" (keypad 2) or "find source" (keypad 3) buttons don't do too mch good when your playlist is only 4-5 songs long... Would it make more sence to use the entire playlist to find semilar songs, instead of just the current playlist?

...proud to have owned one of the first Mark I units
Posted by: tfabris

Re: keypad behaviors during shuffle mode - 27/08/2000 16:57

I like both of those suggestions.

For the second one, I think what you're saying is: "When I use the Tweak Order feature to find a matching artist or genre, I'd like it to pull from the whole player rather than just the current playlist." I agree, I think that makes a lot of sense. It would tend to make the playlist longer, I think, and they'd have to put some code in there to make sure it didn't just pull a dupe of a current playlist item (so that the playlist doesn't suddenly contain two copies of the song), but it would be do-able.

Regarding your first suggestion: While we're on the subject of stuff popping up on the screen, I wish to "second" a gripe I heard posted elsewhere: When you're choosing to shuffle/unshuffle from the main menu (as opposed to the remote), there's no feedback as to which mode you just switched it into. It doesn't flash "shuffle off" or "shuffle on" when you hit it from the menu, only when you hit it from the remote. Now you'd think that you'd KNOW which one you just chose, and that's true. But you end up double guessing yourself because the menu just says "on" or "off", and now you're not sure... "did I just turn it from on to off or vice-versa?"

Tony Fabris