emplode drop dup artist

Posted by: bradpirtle

emplode drop dup artist - 05/09/2000 14:08

When I drop a newly encoded album from an artist already in the same level (all top level for me), it creates a second playlist with the same name at the same level instead of detecting the match and adding the album to the correct other playlist (artist).
ie if artists are my top level and I have a Metallica playlist with 2 albums, and from Explorer I drag a new directory called 'Metallica' with one filder under it (new album) called 'Garage' and drop onto the top level in emplode, it auto creates another 'Metallica' playlist on the same level as the first (top level). I would like it to at least prompt me with 'Another playlist exists called "Metallica" - add new sub playlists there instead?'

It doesn't make since to create 2 playlists on the same level with the same name anyway.

Posted by: rjlov

Re: emplode drop dup artist - 05/09/2000 15:25

It doesn't make since to create 2 playlists on the same level with the same name anyway.

It's confusing, granted, but the name is not necessarily the only thing which distinguishes between playlists (or tracks). I can contrive examples where you might want it.

For example, if you have these playlists:

Then, if you just want a "Fast" playlist, you can put the happy and sad "Fast" playlists into another one. But, they're both still called "Fast". So in fact, you could have
Fast/Fast (the same as Happy/Fast)
Fast/Fast (the same as Slow/Fast)

Now, I'm not saying that's a good way to arrange your music, but it's conceivable that somebody might want to do it.

Of course, your suggestion for making emplode ask about it doesn't preclude this, and seems like a sensible idea.


Posted by: smu

Re: emplode drop dup artist - 05/09/2000 16:03


I just wanted to support this wish, however I would really like to have emplode be configurable about this. This could be accomplished having an option setting for emplode like "warn on duplicate playlist names" (possibly with a default action, see below). The warning could than provide some options like:
a) create new playlist (resulting in to lists with the same name)
b) rename old playlist
c) rename new playlist
d) merge to existing playlist
Where a) is the current behaviour, and d) is the behaviour I would like to use. However, the other two options might as well make sense to some users, and shouldn´t be too hard to implement.
Some warning would also be nice when adding two songs that have the same name (would not be distinguishable from each other in the playlist menus on the empeg) to a playlist.
The current behavior is not really comfortable, as it does not prevent the user from doing stupid things, which is ok with me, nor does it even warn him if he does. From a DAU (german acronym for "Dümmster anzunehmender User", which means something like "most stupid user one can think of") point of view, I would like to have emplode prevent me from doing a stupid thing like creating multiple, indistinguishable entries in the playlist menus, no matter if it is a sub-playlist or a song.
