one grip, one suggestion/question

Posted by: sc400

one grip, one suggestion/question - 14/09/2000 16:47

Grip: I'm using the remote; When I adjust the volume, I have to wait for a few seconds before I can switch the song b/c the next/last song buttons act like volume buttons while the volume window is being displayed. There is no point to this. I have found myself counfused a few times when the song won't change. Then I realize the volume is rising and have to wait a few seconds. A few seconds isn't very long, but it is sort of annoying, seeing as there are already two volume buttons on the remote.

Suggestion/Question: I think it would be cool to enable multiple startup logos. I understand that the logo must go in the flash, but would it be possible for a library of logos to exist on disk and after startup, a new logo (random, sequential or time-based selection) could be flashed. I guess what I'm asking, (and I suspect the answer is no) is can the unit self-flash from data on disk?

Posted by: altman

Re: one grip, one suggestion/question - 14/09/2000 16:57

If you want to cancel the volume window, hit '*' (or the top button on the unit). This cancels the window immediately, and then you can use the track skip buttons.

This is a bug though, and will be fixed in future versions.

The unit can self-flash from disk, yes. Someone would have to write code to do it in the player boot sequence though - remember to open the /dev/flashxxxx file with O_SYNC and call sync() after you close it to ensure the write completes though.


Posted by: sc400

Re: one grip, one suggestion/question - 14/09/2000 17:23

Cool. Is the flash used at all after boot. As long as I don't reboot, bad data writen to the flash will have no effect, correct? I would hate to have to reinstall the dev image after every failure.

While your listening, an old post from you said use 'od -Ax -txC -v -w4 /dev/ir' to see the ir data. That was pretty cool, but you suggested grep-ing it to do whatever, but I wasn't able to redirect it's output which makes me doubt that you can grep it, either. Is there another way to get IR data? How about fascia button/knob data?

Posted by: tfabris

Re: one grip, one suggestion/question - 14/09/2000 18:38

This is a bug though, and will be fixed in future versions.

If you're fixing it for the volume knob, will the same thing also be fixed for the remote control? That's a pet peeve of mine on the Mk1.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: altman

Re: one grip, one suggestion/question - 15/09/2000 03:26

Some of the flash is used, yes, but not the kernel area.

You don't need to redirect od to grep it, you need to pipe it - od xxxx | grep yyy

Button and rotary control data come down to the main board as IR signals, so you get all input.


Posted by: sc400

Re: one grip, one suggestion/question - 15/09/2000 09:41

Yes, I know, but it doesn't work. I was simply saying that it ALSO doesn't work to redirect it. How would the pipe-to-grep task ever end? The od task never ends. You have to Ctrl-C it.

Posted by: 94cobra

Re: one grip, one suggestion/question - 15/09/2000 17:28

With that command how are you seeing the ir data? Hyperterm?

Proud Owner of MK2 080000558 - 18gb Blue
Posted by: altman

Re: one grip, one suggestion/question - 16/09/2000 05:48

You can tell od to only get a certain number of bytes (in this case, 4) and exit I believe. That way, you can loop with your od/grep looking for a particular keypress, or even do a switch on the output of od.

Not got a linux box handy to try "man od" on though...


Posted by: sc400

Re: one grip, one suggestion/question - 16/09/2000 15:27

Okay. I should have thought to look for an option like that. The option is -N4 to get four bytes of data. It works great, thanks.

Posted by: sc400

Re: one grip, one suggestion/question - 16/09/2000 15:38

So about the unit flashing itself, how would one to such a thing? Would the code be similar to the download.c code? Or is there something already availible that can do this? I would love to have a library of artists' symbols that I could rotate through.