Re-organising Visuals menu

Posted by: tms13

Re-organising Visuals menu - 15/01/2002 10:04

I know I've mentioned in the past how it's sometimes hard to find a particular visual.

How about making the Visual menu a level deeper, and having 3 sub-menus:
The current selection of Abstract, Spectral Plot, Informative, ...
The ones chosen in config.ini for the current music source
All visuals, sorted by name (for easy access with remote or knob)

with Favourites not appearing if the user hasn't set any.

As an example to clarify the above: with this new structure, we'd use Menu -> Visual -> Categorised -> Soundplot -> Tux Much to get our beloved penguin, rather than the current Menu -> Visual -> Soundplot -> Tux Much.
Posted by: Nosferatu

Re: Re-organising Visuals menu - 15/01/2002 10:19

I agree with that wish.
Yes, when You want to select a visual , the classified Theme isnt very intuitive.

And also, i'd like to have my FAvorites in the Menu ....
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: Re-organising Visuals menu - 15/01/2002 18:19

I'd settle for just being able to scroll backwards through the visuals. It is frustrating to hit the "visual" button 60 times looking for TimeShade128, only to go past it, and have to press the button 60 more times to get to it again.

Posted by: number6

Re: Re-organising Visuals menu - 15/01/2002 19:19

Being able to backwards through the visuals is one major advantage of having the Sony Stalk Interface.
[But not the only one].

Its also on Mark Lords hit list of new features to add to the HIjack kernel real-soon-nowTM
[what it looks like Mark will end up doing is:
1. creating Fake Stalk commands to go Previous visual for those of use who have Tuners [whether or not we have a Stalk attached].

2. For those of us without Tuners, his kernel will pretend there is one there so that we can use #1 to go previous visual.
[Stalk commands come in from the Tuner Interface so you cannot fake a Stalk controler without faking a Tuner if one is not there].

If you ask Mark nicely I'm sure he can push it up the priority ladder a little.
Posted by: prolux

Re: Re-organising Visuals menu - 16/01/2002 04:35

I plan to reorganise the visuals menu in the near future in a similar way to how you have described.

A new layer will be added as you have suggested above the current 'Types' menu, this will include the following items:

Types, Favourites, All Visuals, Select Mode

It will work pretty much as you have described, but Favourites will also include functionality for turning on and off the favourites list.

I would like to add a Lists submenu which would be similar to the Favourites menu, but would allow the management of multiple lists as well as list selection - Sadly this would require quite a bit of work due to the read-only issues and so will probably not get implemented until....

The Select Mode submenu I will leave to your imaginations - It is the implementation of a much requested feature.

Posted by: tms13

Re: Re-organising Visuals menu - 16/01/2002 06:37

Thanks for the info, Toby. Your plan sounds really good.
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: Re-organising Visuals menu - 16/01/2002 12:41

The Select Mode submenu I will leave to your imaginations - It is the implementation of a much requested feature.

By any chance would one of the modes be a "scrolling" mode where you could scroll forwards/backwards through the visuals using the rotary knob?
