Easier Search

Posted by: Pzycho

Easier Search - 20/02/2002 20:39

I would like to see the searches better organized in the next version. I think that either search by song or search by artist should come up first (probably artist) when you push the search button on the remote. It seems like everytime I do a search I just end up passing up the search by year and pin. It would also be cool if there was just a general search that would go through both title and artist (like when you push "j" on winamp).
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Easier Search - 20/02/2002 21:23

Pin has to be first, or it is not useful at all. Year is after PIN because it looks the best that way.

If you want to get to Search By Title first, press and hold the Search button on the Rio Remote, then it will come up first. (2.0 beta 11 only)
Posted by: suomi35

Re: Easier Search - 20/02/2002 21:39

How about some sort of order customization for search in config.ini? That way those who don't use PIN or YEAR can set ARTIST or TITLE to appear first...

Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Easier Search - 20/02/2002 22:18

It just wasn't meant to be, sorry. Suomi was just beaten by a very narrow margin. Damn rough game compared to all the others today.

Anyway... For faster search access, use Hijack and remap the long-press search code to another button (or add it to a popup). Being able to define order might be a cool feature, but it's not a 2.0-type request in my opinion. Lot of other things to address before getting to the more obscure config.ini possibilities.
