Remote empeg viewing

Posted by: thenominous

Remote empeg viewing - 02/04/2002 06:09

Apologies if this has been mentioned already, but..

It would be nice if one could attach two empegs together and have one unit controlling the other, with both showing the display from the controlled unit.
The ultimate would be to stream the music from one to the other as well.

Hijack implementable mini web browser perhaps? I assume that you can write to the screen or all these wonder ful things wouldnt be possible, and you can assgin the buttons to do different things in hijack etc.

So, would it be possible?

Well, I want to put one in my car, and the other would look nice at the back of the car doing its visual thang so people can see it better at shows. Its also anotehr damn cool thing to do!
Posted by: eternalsun

Re: Remote empeg viewing - 02/04/2002 16:56

Sounds doable. You can "share" one empeg to another with say, nfs. You could also use hijack's enhancements to do synchronized play and pause and so on.

Posted by: jane

Re: Remote empeg viewing - 03/04/2002 01:07

You could write an app that
1) Gets the /proc/empeg_screen from another machine and displays on screen (continously), and
2) Forwards any button-press or remote press to the other machine.

Marius (Escort Cab + Mark II)