
Posted by: Taym

Flac - 03/05/2002 04:37

It has been discussed before, but I dont' remember any of the empeg team giving us an "official" response. Sorry if I am wrong, but I could not find it. So, i'd like to make an official request for the FLAC support on the empeg. My forecast is that soon enough hdd will be large enough to allow us to use lossless compression, if not even wave. But why wave if there's lossless compression? So, basically, flac (or any other losless compression standard) is the way to go, I believe.
What do you think, empeg team?

Thank you in advance!

Posted by: rmitz

Re: Flac - 08/05/2002 10:14

Have there been any advances in that stuff? When I tried it out, the compression was really really minimal, far less than 2:1. Seems like we might as well store wavs rather than go through that hassle.
Posted by: Taym

Re: Flac - 08/05/2002 10:35

I tried it last week and got an average compression of 1/3 on 2 cds I tried. Enough for me. Even if it only allowed 1/2 compression, you would double your storage space without losing any quality. Plus, flac supposedly (never tried) allows real gapless playback.

Suppose you have a 120Gb system (already possible at present), that lets you fit, say, 3500 wave songs (around 35mb per song, suppose), with flac you could fit at least 7000, if not 10500. Not bad at all considering its lossless. Again, enough for most of us, I belive...

Empeg team, no feedback on this? Please!
Posted by: rmitz

Re: Flac - 08/05/2002 10:40

Hmm, that's not so bad. Perhaps I should resurrect my mothballed "play arbitrary filetypes" project. Though it would be better in the player software, of course.
Posted by: Taym

Re: Flac - 08/05/2002 10:50

I'd definitely support you on this.
(Eve though I have to say I'd really really appreciate the implememntation of FLAC in the original sofgtware, as you said)
Posted by: rmitz

Re: Flac - 13/05/2002 12:51

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12305033 May 10 16:46 angels_all_around_us.flac
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20956364 May 10 16:45 angels_all_around_us.wav

Although that's starting to get pretty good, it's not quite even 2:1 yet. Did you use any special switches or anything?
Posted by: Shonky

Re: Flac - 13/05/2002 20:51

In reply to:

it's not quite even 2:1 yet.

Ditto on that one here. I tried it myself and played with quite a few switches etc. I got a best of about 60% of original size and a worst case of 75%. Even the FLAC site only shows an average ratio of 52% of original size.
Posted by: Taym

Re: Flac - 14/05/2002 03:24

No particular switch. I'll go back and do the test again. I did not keep the encoded files because it was just a test. Maybe I was just lucky? I'll post my results here in the weekend.