hard drive spindown bug?

Posted by: dionysus

hard drive spindown bug? - 26/01/2000 16:49


I've been noticing a new behavior in 9a which I think might be a bug. I know that the plans w/ 9a were to keep the drives spun up if it has to access them too frequently, but it seems that my empeg constantly has the drives spun up. I've even tried leaving it on a 128kb playlist (which should technically cache 3-4 minutes of per song, right?) but didn't see the drives spinning down..

Here's what I think might be happening:
empeg starts playing and initially spins the drives down. I fast forward to the next track, empeg spins the drives up and remembers that it had to spin them up, so leaves them up...

However, the frequent access is due to me changing tracks, not out of necessity...

Any comments?
(cc'd to [email protected])

...proud to have one of the first Mark I units
Posted by: schofiel

Re: hard drive spindown bug? - 27/01/2000 03:04

Mike mentioned in his posting that announced the 9 release that they were returning to the older caching method.

I can recall from B6 days that the disk span up more frequently, but also that after a while, tended to stay spinning. Maybe this is what you are observing?

Posted by: mac

Re: hard drive spindown bug? - 27/01/2000 07:00

Mike mentioned in his posting that announced the 9 release that they were returning to the older caching method.

The closest thing I can think of to this is I said we were release debug builds of the player in the developer release. This does mean that less space is devoted to caching so the disk will spin up more often.

The new intelligent spindown feature assumes that if you've caused a spinup (by skipping track or selecting a new playlist) then you are likely to do the same thing again. If you want to see it spin down then leave the player playing the same playlist without skipping tracks for a few minutes.

Mike Crowe
I may not be speaking on behalf of empeg above :-)