Revert to factory settings

Posted by: craigelliott

Revert to factory settings - 13/09/2000 21:40

I shut off my car (Audi A4) like any other day when I arrived at work. When I got back in my car after work, I noticed that the same song that was playing when I left the car was no longer playing when I got back in the car. Hmmm.

I noticed that the first song in the playlist (entire collection) was playing [1/xxxx] and they were playing in the order that emplode lists them. Shuffle mode had been turned OFF. Hmmm.

The sound quality was also off. I navigated to the equalizer and the first preset (FLAT) was chosen, instead of the third present (CUSTOM) that I spent hours tweaking. Luckily the settings were still saved, empeg just decided to use it. Hmmm.

It seems that the empeg may have reverted to the default factory settings. Anyone else experience these same symptoms? This also brings to mind another concern... it would be nice if there was a way "export" the EQ settings from emplode. Let's take it a step further... the ability to copy/delete/edit EQ settings in emplode.

Craig Elliott
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: Revert to factory settings - 14/09/2000 13:40

it would be nice if there was a way "export" the EQ settings from emplode. Let's take it a step further... the ability to copy/delete/edit EQ settings in emplode.

You definitely have my vote on this one. And I can just about promise you that Tony feels the same way after his hard drive crash!


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Revert to factory settings - 14/09/2000 14:14

And I can just about promise you that Tony feels the same way after his hard drive crash!

Actually, I'd been fiddling with the EQs just a few days before (in conjunction with my loudness experiments) and I wasn't completely satisfied with the settings on the day the drive died. So it wasn't a huge loss- I was going to be twiddling EQs in the near future anyway, the crash just forced me to knuckle down and do it. I'm actually happier with the sound now than I was before the crash. Go figure.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: Revert to factory settings - 14/09/2000 14:32

I'd been fiddling with the EQs just a few days before... the drive died.

Aha! There's your smoking gun! Fiddling with the EQs kills your hard drive. Better just leave everything at the flat settings to play it safe.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
Posted by: rob

Re: Revert to factory settings - 15/09/2000 16:12

Fiddling with the EQs kills your hard drive

If you had a VERY big sub I guess this could be possible

Posted by: meast

Re: Revert to factory settings - 17/01/2002 02:36

So... erm... back to the matter at hand. Is total loss of settings (Volume to -INFINITY, play counts reset to 0, EQ to FLAT, Dimmer and Loudness hosed, etc.) on the internal bug list? This has happened to me twice now after removing the player from the dash, leaving it for a while, returning to my car, putting it back in the dash and starting the engine.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Revert to factory settings - 17/01/2002 12:38

Is total loss of settings (Volume to -INFINITY, play counts reset to 0, EQ to FLAT, Dimmer and Loudness hosed, etc.) on the internal bug list?

As I reported in the other thread, this "loss of flash" has happened to me and it was discussed on the internal alpha mailing list. So the empeg team knows about it.

Mark Lord mentioned that he thought he saw something in the default factory kernel that might have been related, but did not know if this was the cause. If it was, I do not know whether it has been corrected in the factory kernel yet. Mark's Hijack kernel supposedly has this thing corrected (whatever it was) so it's possible that using Mark's recent kernels may prevent the problem. I know I haven't had it happen since I've been using the corrected versions of Mark's kernels. But it was very intermittent to begin with so that doesn't mean much.
Posted by: beaker

Re: Revert to factory settings - 17/01/2002 16:30

There was a period recently where this was happening to me quite frequently. It seems to have been behaving itself lately though. Actually, I think it's been since Mark discovered the suspected problem code in the kernel.
Posted by: danthep

Re: Revert to factory settings - 28/01/2002 15:36

Yeah has happened to my mark1 many times over the years, very annoying.

Often combined with rebooting the empeg just as it is booting