Showing FID on serial

Posted by: Dearing

Showing FID on serial - 15/07/2001 13:33

Is anyone with a Mk1 using FID output (timecodes) in 1.03?
I'm haing trouble getting the info both in-car and out. I made the following modifications to config.ini:
The car_rate change works, but not the timecodes line. What should the timecodes output look like? I would expect to see numbers or titles (notify=1) when tracks change, right? I see nuttin' when I change tracks with this config.ini in place, home or car.
Any ideas?

(copied to [email protected])

_~= Dearing =~_
"WAY too happy about having #99."
Posted by: BryanR

Re: Showing FID on serial - 17/07/2001 05:16

Yes, I had this problem on my Mark II. I made the changes you described, and didn't see anything FID-like over the serial.

Shame; I'd written a little VB app to control the player (and to select tracks based on a saved CSV from Emplode), and I wanted to be able to also display the current track details.


Mark 2 #080000515
12GB Green (was Blue)
...and it's full!
Posted by: Dearing

Re: Showing FID on serial - 20/07/2001 06:50

To answer my own question, No. No-one was using notify=1 or timecodes=1 on a Mk1 empeg, as it wasn't coded into the player executable.
Thanks, Mike, for the new binary. It works great. 3 questions:
1) Will this make it into 1.04/1.1, or should I keep that .gz around?
2) Was timecodes=1 included in the fix, or just notify=1?
3) Might we have more options on the output to serial? I'd love to get the song info without the timecodes.
Again, thanks a lot, Mike!

_~= Dearing =~_
"WAY too happy about having #99."
Posted by: edwin

Re: Showing FID on serial - 20/07/2001 09:31

I guess the player part is the same for mk1 and mk2, so how about sharing this new version with the rest of us out here. Oh yeah, just checked the latest software page, but the new version isn't there either. The same goes for the other pages.

Edwin de Vaan
mk2 rev.7 # 080000263 (queue 1232) 6+20Gb blue/red
Posted by: altman

Re: Showing FID on serial - 20/07/2001 10:34

No, the player binary is different for mk1/mk2 - eg mk2 has tuner module support.

I believe the mk2's timecode output always worked, it was just missing in the mk1 binary, hence mike's new player.


Posted by: Dearing

Re: Showing FID on serial - 20/07/2001 10:42

If any Mk 1 Owners want the binary that supports notify (but not timecodes?), I can post it or Email it, if it's allright with the guys@empeg.

_~= Dearing =~_
"WAY too happy about having #99."
Posted by: edwin

Re: Showing FID on serial - 20/07/2001 10:56

There I go (for the 1st time).... Talking about it without testing it first myself. Sorry for that.

Edwin de Vaan
mk2 rev.7 # 080000263 (queue 1232) 6+20Gb blue/red
Posted by: edwin

Re: Showing FID on serial - 21/07/2001 06:38

Tested it now and it also DOESN'T work on mk2. Help!

Edwin de Vaan
mk2 rev.7 # 080000263 (queue 1232) 6+20Gb blue/red
Posted by: Dearing

Re: Showing FID on serial - 21/07/2001 17:54

How do you mean it doesn't work? In the 1.03 Mk 2 image, the player reportedly does output correctly from:
If you've made the change in config.ini, what editor did you make the change with? If it was saved in "windows format" (CarriageReturn-LineFeed at end of every line), it won't be read by the player correctly.
If you're unsure about whether it contains CR-LF combinations, open the file in a hex editor (in DOS, debug will work) and look for the characters "0A 0D". The 0D (Line Feed)is the problem. There are editors for windows (UltraEdit32 is worth the registration!) that can save the file in Unix format (no LF).
Of course, if you edited it in Linux, the format is probably OK.
If this doesn't help, Post a copy of your config.ini (as attachment), and we can tell you if it's kosher.

_~= Dearing =~_
"WAY too happy about having #99."
Posted by: BryanR

Re: Showing FID on serial - 24/07/2001 02:27

I was being stupid - I'd not included the "notify=1" line. Works fine now...

Mark 2 #080000515
Was 12GB Blue, now 42GB Green!

Posted by: edwin

Re: Showing FID on serial - 24/07/2001 08:09

How do you mean it doesn't work?

*bang* (hit my head with a fore hammer). Forgot to include notify=1 Thanks for the help! I guess the Developer Site needs some updating....

(I am using UltraEdit, it rocks!)

Edwin de Vaan
mk2 rev.7 # 080000263 (queue 1232) 6+20Gb blue/red
Posted by: mac

Re: Showing FID on serial - 24/07/2001 13:58

1) Will this make it into 1.04/1.1, or should I keep that .gz around?

It will make it into 1.04 if it ever exists since it is on the same branch. I've just made the change so it will happen in 1.1 too.

2) Was timecodes=1 included in the fix, or just notify=1?

No, the new method is notify.

3) Might we have more options on the output to serial? I'd love to get the song info without the timecodes.

That is why the output is easily parsable. Just throw away the stuff you don't need.

Mike Crowe
I may not be speaking on behalf of empeg above :-)
Posted by: smu

Re: Showing FID on serial - 24/07/2001 16:03

2) Was timecodes=1 included in the fix, or just notify=1?

No, the new method is notify.

Wait a second. This means that "timecodes=1" will eventually be dropped, and only "notify=1" will be available?
I'm just asking because I spend the last two days to collect all available info on config.ini tweaks (and some other aspects of the empeg) and to assemble them into my new empeg pages (which should be up as a preview version by tomorrow evening (wednesday that is, european time).


proud MkII owner (12GB blue/green/smoked, #080000113)
Posted by: Dearing

Re: Showing FID on serial - 25/07/2001 05:57

Yeah, timecodes=1 doesn't work on the Mk1, and I suppose they'll eventually take it out of the Mk2 player.

Mike: Thanks for the update. I just wish I could tell my PDA's term program to filter out those other lines.


_~= Dearing =~_
"WAY too happy about having #99."