Out-of-sync total times in Now&Next

Posted by: tms13

Out-of-sync total times in Now&Next - 29/11/2001 05:02

Player 2.0b3 on a Mk2a.

Use Now&Next info with Elapsed/Total timecodes.

Pause the player.

Now use back and foward to change tracks (perhaps forward 5 tracks and then back to where you started).

Observe that the "total" time displayed for each track is actually that of a different track (the one you just left, I think).

Just cosmetic (and a little obscure!), but I haven't seen it mentioned yet.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Out-of-sync total times in Now&Next - 29/11/2001 10:13

Good catch.

I think they have done a little bit of work on the behavior of the timecodes-when-paused already, so there's a possibility this will be already fixed in the next beta. When the next beta comes out, see if the bug is gone. If not, let us know here and I'll officially stick it in the internal bug list.
Posted by: tms13

Re: Out-of-sync total times in Now&Next - 01/02/2002 08:54

This bug still occurs on 2.0b7.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Out-of-sync total times in Now&Next - 01/02/2002 12:00

I'm still seeing it in 2.0 beta 9. Going into bug list now. Thanks for bringing it up again.