Shut-down problem...

Posted by: Dignan

Shut-down problem... - 04/02/2002 11:00

Sorry, but I did not find this paticular problem in a search.

I parked my car the other day, turned it off, and removed the key from the ignition. The empeg kept playing!! It's happened only once, and this is just after I upgraded to b7 yesterday, so I don't think it's a wiring problem. I hope it doesn't happen again...
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Shut-down problem... - 04/02/2002 11:07

You are describing a known bug in the 2.0 beta 7 software.

In addition to not shutting down, the player's controls (IR and front panel) were locked up, right?

This happens intermittently in 2.0 beta 7. It might be fixed in the next release. In the meantime, use 1.03 to avoid the bug.
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: Shut-down problem... - 04/02/2002 20:16

It might be fixed in the next release.

If it is the same problem I'm having (sounds like it) it is not fixed in 2.0b9. Might not be the same problem, though -- my front panel buttons work, and even though the display is on, the amplifiers are not. Happens very intermittantly -- maybe 5% of the time.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Shut-down problem... - 05/02/2002 00:52

No, I'm talking about a different bug than yours, Doug.

I'm talking about the one where the front panel buttons lock up, but the player keeps playing and making sound.
Posted by: Roger

Re: Shut-down problem... - 05/02/2002 03:24
