empeg 2.0b7 "info" mode display errors

Posted by: oakley

empeg 2.0b7 "info" mode display errors - 08/02/2002 16:31

In empeg 2.0b7, the empeg seems to not know how much space the time displays take up, which results in a failure of the track artist/title to scroll when it's only several characters into the time display.. if too many characters are hidden, it will scroll, but not with 1/2 to 3 characters hidden.

Also, on the display that comes *after* the artist/trackname with no visual info screen (and immediately before the current + next), the artist name/track name fails to update properly. If you switch tracks while in this mode, it will update.. however if you switch tracks in other modes it will continue to display the last track you switched to while in the mode.

What does this info display do anyway? I don't understand it.. it's the one with the high speed clock..

- reid
Posted by: loren

Re: empeg 2.0b7 "info" mode display errors - 08/02/2002 16:50

I wouldn't bother reporting any bugs from b7... since b11 was released today. =]
Posted by: rob

Re: empeg 2.0b7 "info" mode display errors - 08/02/2002 17:12

The track profiler mode is described in the release notes for Beta 7. It has also been discussed in depth on the BBS (search for threads around Christmas time).

Posted by: tfabris

Re: empeg 2.0b7 "info" mode display errors - 08/02/2002 17:24

I scrambled for a moment, looking for a new "track profiler" feature, until I realized you were referring to Seek Tool.
Posted by: rob

Re: empeg 2.0b7 "info" mode display errors - 08/02/2002 17:57

I think the track profiling bit is more useful than the seeking bit. It gets quite exciting anticipating a bright white section that is approaching!

Posted by: oakley

Re: empeg 2.0b7 "info" mode display errors - 08/02/2002 18:17

Yeah, my bad.. I noticed right after I posted that, "Latest S/W: 2.0-b11" .. I've installed it and it looks great! I still get the occasional crash when skipping backwards thru lots of songs, but .. y'know

In my defense, I just got my empeg.. upgraded to 2.0b7 yesterday, so I'm:

A. Not familiar with the bug reporting process, and to make sure I have the latest s/w
B. Thinking I have a "current" version, having upgraded yesterday..

Anyway, I love b11, thanks for all the hard work!

- reid
Posted by: loren

Re: empeg 2.0b7 "info" mode display errors - 08/02/2002 20:43

Haha, yeah, having just upgraded, i can definitely see how you missed another beta the next day. =]. No worries, just wanted to let ya know.