Filter problems, including an Empeg hang

Posted by: music

Filter problems, including an Empeg hang - 25/06/2002 22:52

(Running 2.0beta11, Hijack 276)

I have two non-overlapping filter sets.
Think of them as "Alice likes" and "Bob likes" where Alice and Bob
share no common taste in music.

When switching between non-overlapping filter sets, I must:
Turn off filters.
Down-down-down shuffle.
Re-select new filter.
Otherwise it doesn't work.
I.e., if I do a filter "A", down-down-down, switch to filter "B", down-down-down,
I will get nothing.
In fact, I can get a hang if I do the following (with shuffle either off or on).
filter "A", down-down-down, switch to filter "B", down-down-down
(Bug1: this shows an empty playlist), search by artist (insert), and
select an artist (Bug2: Empeg hangs).
Bug3: If I do the above, but "search by artist (append)", then the
tracks will get inserted without a hang; however, a successive
down-down-down still won't include any other tracks covered by this filter.
Replace mode has the same behavior as append mode.

Note: It is not sufficient to merely turn the filtering off and then
select another filter. You must (a) turn of filtering, (b)
down-down-down, (c) enable another filter.

Note: if this was a preliminary attempt at getting filter ANDing to
work by having the user select consecutive filters, then it is still
not quite right, since the search tool still only filters by the most
recently selected filter.

Possible Bug4: (I think reported elsewhere). In sufficiently large
filtered playlists, turning shuffle off doesn't update the track
number correctly (i.e., it stays at 2 instead of 47.) But if you skip
forward a track and then skip back to the track, the numbering will be
OK again. I think Bug4 depends on several factors so I may not have
enough information to help you track it down. I wasn't able to
reproduce it when I tried it just now. Hmmm, no problem when the
track is paused. When the track is playing (not paused), it seems to
work for me now switching back and forth between shuffled and
unshuffled modes.... But there is a second or two of time lag before
the counter updates. I guess no big deal on this one.

Bug5: "No Soup for You" (elsewhere reported, I think)
Wendy doesn't like soup, and updating her flags in those views is an
exercise in futility.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Filter problems, including an Empeg hang - 26/06/2002 09:11

Hey guys, is this one on the internal bug list already?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Filter problems, including an Empeg hang - 26/06/2002 09:20

Okay, I stuck this on the internal bug list just to be sure. If it comes up as a duplicate, so be it.

By the way, as far as I know, you're not supposed to be able to "AND" Wendy filters on the player, so I don't think that's why this bug cropped up.