Whats Playing in Emplode or Jemplode?

Posted by: AlB

Whats Playing in Emplode or Jemplode? - 18/07/2002 21:32

OK so I'm adding songs to the Empeg via network connection from all over the house but yet I can't tell what song is next from emplode. Is there a list of whats loaded in emplode (or Jemplode?)

Speaking of jemplode, why can't I play songs like on emplode. The buttons are there but greyed out??? Looked on Jemplode FAQ (really!)
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Whats Playing in Emplode or Jemplode? - 18/07/2002 21:40

Speaking of jemplode, why can't I play songs like on emplode. The buttons are there but greyed out???

Make sure you are using the latest bleeding-edge .JAR file from the Jemplode site. Old versions of Jemplode didn't have those buttons working. They are now working in the latest versions.

but yet I can't tell what song is next from emplode.

There is no method that I know of which can report the raw current-running-playlist data back to the PC. There is a way to do it with the serial port, but that only gives you the current song information, not what's coming next.

Right now, the "next" song can only be seen on the player's "Now and Next" information screen. And this is where it might help you: If you install Hijack, then install CharcoalGray99's latest XML style sheet, you can then see the player's screen echoed in a web browser and remote control it from there. That will allow you to see what's coming up next if you set the player to the "Now and Next" info screen.
Posted by: AlB

Re: Whats Playing in Emplode or Jemplode? - 18/07/2002 21:54

Version 35 Jemplode... should be OK?
Posted by: msaeger

Re: Whats Playing in Emplode or Jemplode? - 18/07/2002 22:01

the latest version is 41
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Whats Playing in Emplode or Jemplode? - 19/07/2002 09:06

Try lojack. You'll be able to tell what's playing no matter where the empeg is plugged in.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Whats Playing in Emplode or Jemplode? - 19/07/2002 10:14

Version 35 is a very old version. That is probably why the buttons are grayed out. They were grayed out on old versions.

Mike, this is why I say that the full-installer-package for Jemplode should be upgraded to a more recent version. So people don't come asking questions like this because they thought they installed the latest version.
Posted by: AlB

Re: Whats Playing in Emplode or Jemplode? - 19/07/2002 10:27

Where is Lojack located? Did search and FAQ and did not find
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Whats Playing in Emplode or Jemplode? - 19/07/2002 12:28

Lojack can be found here. It's just a set of html files. upload them to /drive0 on your empeg via FTP and you should be able to hit them in your browser. Any questions on installation, just ask and I'll be more specific.
Posted by: mschrag

Re: Whats Playing in Emplode or Jemplode? - 19/07/2002 13:15

The key is identifying what release gets installers made ... Not every release is going to get a new installer, because it's just too much of a pain in the butt (those installesr are many many megs -- my poor 56k modem that I am forced to use now would catch on fire). So I release installers when I get to a version that I'm reasonable happy with. I would like to redesign a lot of the internals for 42 and really get the code cleaned up. Then I will have people run with 42 for a bit and see if it actually resolves some of these nagging stability problems, and likely 43 or 44 will have installers made.

Posted by: AlB

Re: Whats Playing in Emplode or Jemplode? - 19/07/2002 15:51

Thanks I'll download tonight and try!!
Posted by: AlB

Re: Whats Playing in Emplode or Jemplode? - 21/07/2002 16:29

Thanks, Got the latest jemplode and it works fine.

Now, on to lojack I can access the player via FTP in explorer, can I just drag files into this window?
Posted by: mschrag

Re: Whats Playing in Emplode or Jemplode? - 21/07/2002 19:00

Actually, the latest and greatest has some kind of weird bugs right now ... Are you using the latest release or the latest unofficial prerelease? the prerelease has some weird problems that I'm working on..
Posted by: AlB

Re: Whats Playing in Emplode or Jemplode? - 22/07/2002 07:55

using release 41, no bugs found thus far... but haven't really stressed it too much
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Whats Playing in Emplode or Jemplode? - 22/07/2002 09:20

can access the player via FTP in explorer, can I just drag files into this window?

I doubt it. You have to send a couple of commands that IE won't send. You should be able to do it from a command prompt ftp on a windows box. Check this FAQ entry. You have to prefix the word "literal" to most of the ftp commands on the remote box (empeg).