dang, this is almost frustrating enough to give up

Posted by: sendero

dang, this is almost frustrating enough to give up - 02/09/2002 23:44

I have been working for 3 days now trying to load music onto my reserve Empeg. No my original isn't lost, just lent to a friend.

Unfortunatley, I can't get any amount of music to load onto the reserve unit. I do not remeber it being this much of a pain in the a** to try and get the music on there.

The behavior I am seeing is that I can at most load about 10-15 songs at a time (less that 100 megs) without getting erros from the software/player. I mean, this is just ridiculous. IN order to load up the 2600 songs I have, it would take me over two weeks.

is there something in the latest beta that could be causing this? I even tried to revert to the 1.03 software and that didn't help at all. I also tried to just use USB, thinking it may be some networking issue, but all that does is find the player and then give me an error that there doens't appear to be a player connected. Come on now. If it can find it to list it for connections, you'd thnk it'd be able to find it to actually connect to it.

Yeah, I'm frustrated. This is annoying the crap outta me and i needed to vent. if you have any idea for solutions please let me know. Right now this is worse than a paperweight.
Posted by: robricc

Re: dang, this is almost frustrating enough to give up - 02/09/2002 23:52

Is the version of Emplode on your PC the same version of the player software on your reserve unit?

If you never upgraded your reserve player, it likely has 1.02 on it. So, even downgrading Emplode to 1.03 may not be enough. What I would try is uninstall all versions of Emplode from your PC. Then, install the newest beta of Emplode. Then, upgrade your reserve player to the newest beta of the player software.
Posted by: sendero

Re: dang, this is almost frustrating enough to give up - 03/09/2002 00:10

Thanks Rob. I do have the latest version of the software on both the player and on my computer. I finally paid attention to the error this time and its something about the network connection being forcibly shut down. I know I turned off all software that could muck with this (Norton Inet security), but still have the problems.
Posted by: robricc

Re: dang, this is almost frustrating enough to give up - 03/09/2002 00:25

Are you running XP? It seems likely since you are having USB problems. If you are running XP, you may have the built-in firewall configured and running. Disable that and see what happens if it's running.

See: Why doesn't emplode work via ethernet on Windows XP? in the FAQ.

EDIT: After drinking some coffee and thinking about it, you probably don't have the firewall enabled. Your old empeg worked previously. Maybe your ethernet cable is bad?
Posted by: Daria

Re: dang, this is almost frustrating enough to giv - 03/09/2002 00:48

I also tried to just use USB, thinking it may be some networking issue, but all that does is find the player and then give me an error that there doens't appear to be a player connected.

Caveat: I have never used the Windows software at all, ever. I did see an error like this with a JEmplode that was for an older version of the player software than I had at the time. Did you try the 1.03 software via USB with newer player software, or did you try "current" software via USB?

Other ideas:
-try JEmplode (via ethernet)
-install HiJack and then try JEmplode
Posted by: danthep

Re: dang, this is almost frustrating enough to give up - 03/09/2002 01:32

pop a serial cable on the empeg and run a terminal program to monitor it during uploads.

Look out for disc error messages when syncronisation fails that could point to a dodgy IDE cable.

Had a friend who had never experienced the "no hard drive found contact support" on inital bootup, but the drive would fail later on, fixed it by fixing the IDE connector.
Posted by: David

Re: dang, this is almost frustrating enough to giv - 03/09/2002 01:46

Sounds like it could be a faulty drive cable. Contact me for a replacement.