boot animation request

Posted by: nytemyst

boot animation request - 10/11/2002 12:53

can anyone here make me a boot logo animation of my car? Here's some pics of it.
Posted by: thermasilk

Re: boot animation request - 10/11/2002 19:53

How long of a animation?... and how detailed?
Reply to: [email protected]

- Justin
(Graphic Designer)
Posted by: nytemyst

Re: boot animation request - 10/11/2002 21:16

As detailed as possible hehehe. It doesnt have to be long maybe something like it coming from one side and it doing a 360 across the screen. If not that i'll let you think of something cool =)
Posted by: FireFox31

Re: boot animation request - 11/11/2002 21:24

Had I the skill with 3D animation that I once did (and the free time that I once did), I would model this thing in 3D, render an animation of your choosing but have it span across the 27 frames we're allowed (right?), then manually try to convert each frame to a 4 color process suitable for the empeg. Like Tony says, "Anti-aliasing in 4 colors is an art" (or something).

I'd rather do that for my Volvo V70 custom boot logo first though. Haha, the V70 station wagon doing a burnout or a skidding 360 stop. Mmmmm... Much easier to render in 3space because of it's super boxy design. God, I LOVE the boxy design!