Sony Stalk Remote Redux...

Posted by: AlB

Sony Stalk Remote Redux... - 06/02/2003 20:48

Just got confirmation on my tuner order (Patrick is a god!) Consensus is that the Sony remote is a must have. I looked thru the FAQ and it appears that the stalk just plugs into the tuner (and patricks tuner!) and once enabled (Hijack?) requires no additional programming. Is this correct?
Posted by: number6

Re: Sony Stalk Remote Redux... - 06/02/2003 21:13

All you have to is tell Emplode which side of the steering column your Stalk is (will be) mounted:
You have three choices: Don't have one, Left Hand Side (LHS) or Right Hand side (RHS).

Change it from "dont have one" to "Left ..." or "Right..." as appropriate and sync with your player.

And you're done.

Stalk works "out of the box", you don't need Hijack unless you want IR translations.

If no tuner is attached, your system works, but no Stalk commands will be sent/processed obviously.
Once the Tuner is assembled and plugged into the player, the Stalk plugs into that and you're done.


Posted by: KungFuCow

Re: Sony Stalk Remote Redux... - 06/02/2003 23:38

I believe one of the stalk buttons was broken in Beta 13 however so you need to use Hijak to remap the controller to work around this problem. Perhaps one of the beta testers can comment on whether or not this problem has been fixed in the 2.0 RC final.
Posted by: Shonky

Re: Sony Stalk Remote Redux... - 07/02/2003 00:31

I'm currently in Singapore at the moment where stuff like this should be pretty cheap. From the FAQ there are two remotes I can use: RM-X4S and the RM-X2S. Which is better? Or is the X4S just a newer version of the X2S?
Posted by: decay

Re: Sony Stalk Remote Redux... - 07/02/2003 07:54

I've been thinking installing a Stalk in my car. Anythough I do have a Mk1.

Is there an easy way to plug Stalk into mk1? Should i go for kenwood's IrDA remotes?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Sony Stalk Remote Redux... - 07/02/2003 13:44

Is there an easy way to plug Stalk into mk1?

Not easy, but possible. Your options are listed here including a link to a serial-port solution by John Lambon.