
Posted by: ClemsonJeep

Ordering? - 01/06/2000 11:34

Hey folks,

It's June! Getting closer and closer to the Mk2's!

I was just wondering, barring any delays *shiver*, are we still on for the June 10th date that I remember reading? If so, when can we expect to get an email asking for our billing/shipping information, etc? I just wonder, because I filled out the "new" request form about a month or so ago, and I never did get a response back. I just don't want to slip through the cracks, as I haven't received a newsletter to my email address in probably close to 6 months. 8)

Any response would be absolutely wonderful.


Posted by: teemcbee

Re: Ordering? - 01/06/2000 23:48

Rob already told in another tread that there's no email-confirmation for the new registration. It's a secure site and if you came to the confirmation page everything went OK.
Rob said that maybe next week the invitations to order are sent. But remember that there are only 1000 units available


Posted by: teemcbee

Re: Ordering? - 02/06/2000 00:59

I've seen on the new web site that you can check your registration number. Just go there.
But I had a problem with checking - as you can see in the thread "Problem with Registration lookup"


Posted by: rob

Re: Ordering? - 02/06/2000 07:18

I'm expecting to get the web store open for Monday, and then we'll start to invite some orders.

I believe we'll invite an initial 30 or 40 clients to order as we're putting a tiny batch through first to check that all of the processes are working properly (we have new ecommerce, new backend, new sales system, new shipping system). If all goes well (which it will, of course!) we'll move the remaining thousand or so players over the subsequent few weeks.

Hopefully we'll be able to follow on with another batch not too long after that.


PS If you haven't had a newsletter in 6 months then something is wrong! Email me your registration number and I'll check it out for you.