opera7 and the bbs weirdness

Posted by: image

opera7 and the bbs weirdness - 07/03/2003 12:11

there are two funky things that are going on w/ the bbs and my opera7. my settings include identifying as opera and open requested pop-up windows only.

first of all, when i log in, it gives me an "All of the required fields are not filled in." error message if i press ENTER after my password. it requires me to click on the login button for it to work.

second of all, avatars are not being displayed, at all. i opened up internet explorer and baam, it works. i have yet to change the identification to something else (shouldn't matter, but it does in some cases).

just minor annoyances that i wanted to address.

EDIT: Just tried w/ accept popups and ie6 identifcation (defaults basically) and same result w/ both quirks.

Posted by: drakino

Re: opera7 and the bbs weirdness - 10/03/2003 18:43

I'll look into this and see whats up. I don't personally use Opera, so if you do see issues, let me know. (My personal preference is a lightweight Mozilla based browser for the platform I am on).
Posted by: StigOE

Re: opera7 and the bbs weirdness - 11/03/2003 01:36

I have the same problem with logging in, but I have just learned to live with it....and it is not bbs-related. It's a problem with all passwords AFAIK.

But avatars are no problem. I don't know if that is because I have set it to identify as Mozilla 5.0, but as long as it works, I'm good...

Posted by: JeffS

Re: opera7 and the bbs weirdness - 11/03/2003 07:03

Just to chime in, I also have the same login problem using Mozilla, but I've learned to live with it as well.