Fair asking price for a Empeg?

Posted by: BasicGuy

Fair asking price for a Empeg? - 22/06/2000 02:48

Well once my Mark2 gets here I'll be selling my Empeg. Theres a few people
where I live who are interested but I haven't really thought of a fair asking
price I was hopeing some of you could help me. Its a 16gig model.

s/n 00247

Posted by: ClemsonJeep

Re: Fair asking price for a Empeg? - 22/06/2000 15:08

Well once my Mark2 gets here I'll be selling my Empeg. Theres a few people
where I live who are interested but I haven't really thought of a fair asking
price I was hopeing some of you could help me. Its a 16gig model.

Well, watching the eBay trend. At the beginning, right after the empegs came out, I saw a 4 gig sell for around 2000$ on eBay (over 700$ profit). That was simply because of the waiting list. Since then as time went on and the Mk2's came closer and closer to being released, the prices went down.

About two months ago someone sold a 6 gig for around 1300$ (retail). A month or so ago, the price dropped to about 1100$ for a 6GB. 2 weeks ago I sold my 6GB on ebay for 1000$. I payed 1300$ for it, so just try to use those numbers to judge.

It's going to be hard to predict though. Since you'll probably get in on the first batch of Mk2's, the general public will still have to wait, but just remember the longer you wait the lower the selling price will be for a Mk1.

I put my reserve at 800.00$ (meaning my empeg doesnt get sold unless someone offers to pay 800$ for it), so I was completely happy with 800$. All a matter of preference I guess.

Posted by: BasicGuy

Re: Fair asking price for a Empeg? - 23/06/2000 02:14


Thanks for the reply. now I have a little Idea as to what I can get ask
for it. I'll try asking $1000 for it. It is a 16 gig model so it should go for

S/N 00247

Posted by: NasalGoat

Re: Fair asking price for a Empeg? - 27/06/2000 07:49

Remember, when selling on ebay, the ad is 75% of the process. The better your ad, the more money you'll get for the item.

All it takes is one motivated buyer!