
Posted by: tonyc

LRCdb? - 28/04/2003 15:41

I just wanted to check in on the guys who were going to be working on LRCdb (Damien, Donato, and Justin) to kinda check the calendar and see how things are going. Do you guys anticipate having time to work on the site in the next weeks and months? The reason I ask is because I hope to be continuing work on emphatic soon, and I'd like to try to get back some of the momentum we had on the site. I really look forward to simplifying the process of finding, retrieving, and tagging the lyrics, and having a central repository for the LRC files is a key piece of that.

It seems like a lot of real world things (i.e jobs that pay!) got in the way recently, which is completely understandable. I myself put emphatic down for several months so I could get through a particularly rough stretch. And, while I plan on getting out, enjoying the outdoors, and travelling a lot this summer, I also hope to get some time to play around with the empeg stuff again.

So if you guys could just (either here or via PM) let me know what you're up to, what kind of time you foresee having for the site, that'd be great. If it turns out nobody has the resources to devote to it, I would have no problem helping out with some of the coding, or even taking over if you guys are really swamped. I'd honestly prefer to use my time to work on the other pieces of the puzzle, but I also don't want to get so much done, only to find out we can't get the central lyrics site finished.

Anyway, let me know what's up, fellas. Thanks.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: LRCdb? - 29/04/2003 09:32

^^^ bump ^^^