Obtaining New Buttons and Lenses?

Posted by: lindychef

Obtaining New Buttons and Lenses? - 29/07/2003 13:43

Well, I've had the button and knob lighting upgrades performed to my unit, but now I want to show them off ... I've got an order into Steve that hasn't been fulfilled in 4-5 months and Brian hasn't been answering his emails, so I was wondering is there anywhere else to buy these items premade?

In the meantime, I've decided to make my own. I have some experience with casting resins, so I've tried using colored resins and rubber molding material to create buttons. So far, it's been a very tedious process and none of the items has really come out too well. I'm on a third version of molds for buttons and they are just not coming out with enough depth to have any bounceback when depressing the buttons. I am currently working on devising a fourth version of the mold and I think I will have cracked it by then. If they come out well, I might be willing to make some and sell them to users on a limited production basis (ie until my supplies run out), but I would only be able to guarantee quality in a slightly opaque milky white color (photos can be posted later).

I'm about ready to give up on casting the lens and instead just buy acrylic plastic sheets to cut into the proper shape. The resin just doesn't block out the color from the VFD well and so when I cast, say, an abmber lens, you can still see some green poking out of the amber anyway ... oh well.

Just thought I'd ask a question and share as well ...

PS Hey Dan, if these work well on my car, do you want me to cast you a set as well? I'm trying to get them to match OEM BMW colors as much as possible.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Obtaining New Buttons and Lenses? - 29/07/2003 13:55

There's a user on this board who goes by the name of casting_fool who is currently our best hope for getting this stuff going in any kind of a quantity. But even he's had some snags and isn't ready for prime time on these things yet. So anything you can do in terms of offering molded buttons would be really cool.
Posted by: Mach

Re: Obtaining New Buttons and Lenses? - 29/07/2003 14:00

Casting_Fool was working on buttons and fascia sets but I haven't heard anything recently.

Depending on what you're looking for in lenses, Steve is the only place where the routed lenses are made currently. Rob S. at support may be able to help you with a spare lens (amber included). If you are of a mind to get your own lenses made, I can provide some tips on acrylic suppliers.