Ordering an Empeg

Posted by: Magsy

Ordering an Empeg - 06/07/2000 07:03

Rite, i registered very early on (1500 ish), I didnt buy a MK1, and when u asked for people to say if they were still intersted or not i said yes. Hence i am still on the system.
I went to have a look a the order page, and it says something about "You can only order if you`ve been asked to"
I`m confused, can i or cant i order?
I`ve lost all my mail recently, so i cant go back and read what was said :)



Posted by: rob

Re: Ordering an Empeg - 06/07/2000 07:37

The bulletin you can't find is actually on the web site, in the News section.

You can order when you've received an invitation to do so. Since we've only shipped to upgrading owners so far, you won't have got an invitation yet - but we're only a couple of weeks away from reaching you.


Posted by: Henno

Re: Ordering an Empeg - 06/07/2000 07:48

You can only order if you`ve been asked to

As you'll have noticed, empegs are in short supply. The waiting list has over 15000 names on it, while only some 350 empegs (Emma's and Marks)have been shipped so far.

Once production gets rolling, empeg ltd will produce fairly large batches. I believe the current thinking is to produce them at a rate of a thousand per batch until the backlog has been cleared.

To allow this process to proceed in an orderly manner, the empeg folks have decided that that will not create yet another order waiting list but to deliver in sequence of the original list, to anyone who still wants one (or more ). Considering that some of the people on the original list already have an Emma, or have managed to score a Mark, while others may have signed up without any real intent to get one, your registration number of 1500 should come up rather early. I wouldn't be surprised if you were invited to confirm your original to score a unit from the very first batch of a thousand.

Thus any month now, I'd say.

mark2 nr: 006
Posted by: Magsy

Re: Ordering an Empeg - 06/07/2000 08:00

15000??!! Wow!
Heh, I came here when this player was first concived.
My jaw dropped, i wanted one, desperatley.
I registered but could not quite find the cash, so i just forgot about it.
Now a year (?) later, i comeback just to have a peek and i see mark 2. The urge to have this awesome gadget has come back, fortunately i have sufficent funds this time, yea!
Well, if those timescales are close then i`ll be chuffed.
Thanks for the info

Henno, check you XS4ALL mail, a gift in the box :D