Replacement chips?

Posted by: maczrool

Replacement chips? - 02/10/2003 18:42

Ordering some CS4231A-KQs for future repairs made me wonder what other chips on the Empeg are prone to failure and might need to be stockpiled to assure future repairs can be made without having to replace the whole mainboard or display board. Any suggestions?

Posted by: tman

Re: Replacement chips? - 02/10/2003 18:46

Some of the 74LVX04's seems to occasionally go dead but I wouldn't bother stocking up on those
You could replace the dalsemi temp chip (can't remember the exact chip number) if people have a misprogrammed one.
Posted by: canuckInOR

Re: Replacement chips? - 02/10/2003 20:29

How much would you (not necessarily directed at tman) charge for that service? (replacing the temp sensor)
Posted by: altman

Re: Replacement chips? - 03/10/2003 08:57

If you're after any 4231's, we have plenty left for repairs. We managed to end up with quite a few coming back from the factory after the production had finished (looks like someone overordered)

Posted by: maczrool

Re: Replacement chips? - 03/10/2003 09:53

So should I cancel my order if possible?

Posted by: altman

Re: Replacement chips? - 03/10/2003 10:30

I would. I have a tray of about 200 behind me...
