Two Questions...

Posted by: damone

Two Questions... - 13/10/2003 19:59

Actually I had a third question but can't remember it right now...

1) If my PC's hard drive ever crashes and I lose all my mp3's, can I get them off of my empeg with all of the original filenames and tags? If so, how? And is it possible to maintain the directory structure the files were in on my PC?

2) I want to be able to keep my mp3's in sync from my PC to my empeg and haven't found out a way to do this. Currently I just select my entire mp3 folder in explorer and drag it into the playlists folder in emplode, and it skips all the duplicates and adds only new songs, BUT it won't delete any songs that aren't on my PC anymore. As of now I have about 12 more songs on my empeg than on my PC and it's impossible for me to remember which songs they were.

My files are arranged like so: d:\mp3\Arist\Album\Artist - Album - Track# - Title.mp3
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Two Questions... - 13/10/2003 20:03

Can I copy MP3 files back onto my PC from the player?

How can I keep my PC and my car player in perfect synch?
Posted by: damone

Re: Two Questions... - 13/10/2003 20:52

"This system isn't perfect, though. There are some important things to remember:

This doesn't help you with deletions. If you delete a song from the PC, it won't get deleted from the player. You still have to do those manually."
Posted by: mtempsch

Re: Two Questions... - 14/10/2003 00:18

Best bet for keeping PC & empeg in sync is probably mp3tofid (creates the corresponding fids on disk on the PC) and then using rsync to keep that synced with the empeg.

Posted by: Roger

Re: Two Questions... - 14/10/2003 02:13

...and the best bet for (pre-emptively) dealing with a dead PC hard disk is a DVD writer.