Did I just kill my empeg

Posted by: joek

Did I just kill my empeg - 02/12/2003 11:07

My AC switch sensor stopped working and I thought that taking the empeg apart to have a look sounded like a good idea. After desoldering the AC switch from the motherboard I got it working again (at least there was now continuity between two of its pins with no plug inserted, unlike before).

I put everything back together, plugged the empeg in (using AC, the car is hibernating 300 kilometers from here) and... nothing. Now, thats one unpleseant feeling.

So then I use the multimeter on the power supply. Zero, nothing. Shouldn't there be like, I don't know, 12 volts?

Do you think I messed up my empeg and it then killed the power supply?

Any thoughts on how to proceed, will I kill the next power supply I try as well?
Posted by: boxer

Re: Did I just kill my empeg - 02/12/2003 11:15

at least there was now continuity between two of its pins with no plug inserted, unlike before

Are you sure that you haven't connected the wrong two pins together and shorted the power supply, or that it wasn't the power supply that was faulty in the first place?
Might be worth putting the inside of your Empeg back the way it was, borrowing a 12v power supply and seeing if it works then (Make sure that you get the polarity right).
....other than which, I step aside for the FAQ master!
Posted by: RichieC

Re: Did I just kill my empeg - 02/12/2003 11:33

Popped a fuse in the power supply? or in the Power supply's plug ? (if it has a fuse - UK ones do)

Posted by: joek

Re: Did I just kill my empeg - 02/12/2003 11:51

I forgot to mention that it was the "home/car not recognized" problem that made me open up the empeg and examine the AC sensor switch in the first place. Apart from that, the empeg was working fine.

My power supply (european?) doesn't open. There is a small device at the plug end of the cord but its not a fuse.

I'm a bit reluctant just trying another power supply, won't I destroy it too? Perhaps getting one with a fuse is the best solution.

Has anyone else managed to destroy their power supply, or blown its fuse?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Did I just kill my empeg - 02/12/2003 11:54

Yeah, if the power supply suddenly went from working to not working, I'd guess that you did something to the AC adapter jack on the empeg which shorted it out, and (as said earlier in the thread) probably popped a fuse on the power supply or maybe burned it out.

Did you replace it with a proper replacement jack, or did you try to repair the existing jack? If the latter... DON'T. Just get the proper replacement part and put that in. I'm pretty sure I've got links in the FAQ.
Posted by: joek

Re: Did I just kill my empeg - 02/12/2003 13:02

No, no replacement part.

"Repairing" was actually just verifying that there was no difference in continuency between the jack's three pins when plugging/unplugging (switch not working), and then desoldering the jack, only to discover that it was now working (continuency between the "AC-mode" and negative pins with no plug in the jack)

All this about the pins and continuency is just my interpretation of how it is supposed to work, by the way :-). It would be interesting to get that sorted out by someone who knows.

Plugging/unplugging was "working" after the jack was soldered back to the board. And I'm pretty sure that there wasn't a short between the positive and negative.

But, I obviously managed to do something bad. When I get to it I will take it appart and look for obvious shorts and then try with a new power supply. Or perhaps with a 12V battery using the docking connector, first.
Posted by: joek

Re: Did I just kill my empeg - 06/12/2003 18:00

It was the power supply after all. I found nothing wrong with the empeg. What a relief!