3.00 alpha upgrade error.

Posted by: MiloDC

3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 04/12/2003 01:47

Couldn't find this in the FAQ.

Just got a Karma, want to re-rip all of my stuff to OGG format. Need OGG on my empeg so I don't have to keep MP3 duplicates of everything.

So, I downloaded emplode 2.10 and the 3.00 alpha firmware.

Two issues have arisen:

(1) Whenever I fire up my empeg, it rebuilds the database.

(2) When I fire up emplode and the program starts reading the player's database, I get "Download failed while checking database. Error 0xc0041002"

The player does actually seem to work fine beyond the rebuilding issue.

Help, please!
Posted by: drakino

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 04/12/2003 02:48

Do one sync with Emolode 2.0 to get a database built on the empeg, then go ahead and use Emplode 2.10.
Posted by: MiloDC

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 04/12/2003 03:02

In reply to:

Do one sync with Emolode 2.0 to get a database built on the empeg, then go ahead and use Emplode 2.10.

Heh, yeah, I tried that a minute or two before your post came up. Thanks for the response, just the same.

The database appeared to be back in action after this, but now I get "software aborted connection" errors while emplode attempts to upload my test OGG file to the player.

This blows. I think I'll just skip attempting to OGG my empeg until the next revision of emplode/firmware.
Posted by: image

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 04/12/2003 03:12

try to use jemplode 47 w/ v3a3. i've had a lot more luck with that combination.
Posted by: foxtrot_xray

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 04/12/2003 10:13

The database appeared to be back in action after this, but now I get "software aborted connection" errors while emplode attempts to upload my test OGG file to the player.

Oddball thought, but try down-grading to 2.00, then RE-upgrading to 3.00a3..

I had the same issue with MP3 (Player giving memory errors). I just down-graded, then re-upgraded. Issue gone. ..

Dunno why..

Posted by: MiloDC

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 04/12/2003 11:38

In reply to:

try to use jemplode 47 w/ v3a3. i've had a lot more luck with that combination.

At the jEmplode page, I'm seeing versions up to 44 only. Where's 47?
Posted by: ricin

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 04/12/2003 11:43

That would be here. He intentionally left it separate because he wasn't sure of its stability.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 04/12/2003 12:07

One thing not mentioned in this thread yet...

Version 3 is currently in a very very "Alpha" state. It's not stable and you're going to run into problems using it. Problems like those mentioned here in this thread.

If you're the kind of person who wants your player to "just work", then you should stick with version 2.0 for now.
Posted by: MiloDC

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 04/12/2003 13:23

In reply to:

Version 3 is currently in a very very "Alpha" state. It's not stable and you're going to run into problems using it. Problems like those mentioned here in this thread.

If you're the kind of person who wants your player to "just work", then you should stick with version 2.0 for now.

I understand that, although I can't imagine why anyone, "just work" type or not, would want to use an alpha that can't reliably do something as crucial as file transfer.

I can (and have, in the past) run with glitches as long as they don't impair basic functionality.

As I wrote earlier, though, I'm content to wait for a future release, and have gone back to 2.0/non-OGG.

Thanks for the response.

P.S. Your mugshot reminds me of the kid who played Pyro in X-Men 2.
Posted by: robricc

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 04/12/2003 13:27

I can't imagine why anyone, "just work" type or not, would want to use an alpha that can't reliably do something as crucial as file transfer.
File transfers work fine for me in 3a3 as long as I use USB to sync. Ethernet is extremely unstable.

I recently sync'd over 30GB worth of tunes with Emplode 2.00 and 3a3 over USB and it worked perfectly.
Posted by: brendanhoar

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 04/12/2003 13:29

> I understand that, although I can't imagine why
> anyone, "just work" type or not, would want to use an
> alpha that can't reliably do something as crucial as file
> transfer.

Get to know the people here, then you'll understand!

But seriously, I too avoid v3 alpha completely. Neato things in there, but I'm happy just dealing with all my hardware quirks at this point in time, no need to add additional software ones.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 04/12/2003 13:34

I can't imagine why anyone, "just work" type or not, would want to use an alpha
The same reason anyone would want to be an alpha or beta tester for any product. In this case, to help the empeg guys test it, to reports specific results, so that future releases can fix those bugs and be stable enough for the general public.

Also, you might want to be a tester because you want to see new features before everyone else does. In your case, that feature was Ogg playback.

Usually, the "just work" types aren't in the same category as people who would want to be beta testers.
Posted by: MiloDC

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 04/12/2003 13:50

In reply to:

File transfers work fine for me in 3a3 as long as I use USB to sync. Ethernet is extremely unstable.

Well, there's the rub. I'm using Ethernet on an XP Pro box, so unless there's been an XP USB fix for the Mark II, I'm screwed (no way am I using serial port for file transfer).

Thanks, that was vital info.
Posted by: robricc

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 04/12/2003 13:54

There is an XP USB fix in the 2.00final software. The updated driver is included with emplode 2.00 final. Load it up!
Posted by: MiloDC

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 04/12/2003 14:07

In reply to:

In reply to:

I can't imagine why anyone, "just work" type or not, would want to use an alpha

The same reason anyone would want to be an alpha or beta tester for any product. In this case, to help the empeg guys test it, to reports specific results, so that future releases can fix those bugs and be stable enough for the general public.

Also, you might want to be a tester because you want to see new features before everyone else does. In your case, that feature was Ogg playback.

You left out a pretty significant part of my sentence, which was "I can't imagine why anyone, 'just work' type or not, would want to use an alpha that can't reliably do something as crucial as file transfer."

My point was that essential functionality shouldn't require outside testing. Moreover, if basic operations don't check out, then that prevents the testing of everything else in the new release.

That's just a perspective that I've developed after twelve years of releasing commercial software for multiple platforms.

Elsewhere in this thread, I was informed that Ethernet transfer is jacked with 3a3 (or perhaps emplode 2.10). I didn't see any mention of this in the release notes. I might try a serial transfer (I'm using XP Pro, so no USB for me) just to see if that is indeed my issue.

Thanks again for your prompt replies.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 04/12/2003 14:07

Yes, make sure to read the release notes, because that driver requires installation by hand in order to work.
Posted by: robricc

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 04/12/2003 14:12

Please read my post above this one and Tony's reply. USB does work for XP now.

Version 3a3 was not meant to be released on the internet to the masses. It was originally released only to alpha testers and those who attended the yearly meet in Europe.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 04/12/2003 14:12

That's why they called it an alpha. Basically, we pestered the guys so much that they released it early, as it sorta-kinda worked. If you want to blame anyone, blame the posters here, not the software developers.
Posted by: MiloDC

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 04/12/2003 14:19

In reply to:

There is an XP USB fix in the 2.00final software. The updated driver is included with emplode 2.00 final. Load it up!

A-ha, now it gets interesting...

Thanks, that's great news!
Posted by: MiloDC

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 04/12/2003 14:28

In reply to:

That's why they called it an alpha. Basically, we pestered the guys so much that they released it early, as it sorta-kinda worked.

Ah, well, that's different. tfabris made it sound as though it was proactively released for testing.

If it was never meant to be tested by the public at large, then all bets are off.

Okay, rant done. Thanks for all your help, everyone.
Posted by: jem7784

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 04/12/2003 15:04

OK I had problems with V3a3 also at first. Then got those resolved. But I was finding this non-playability issue. It was what everyone seemed to be saying they were having with 128k files. Skipping or just stoppage. Well, all of my files are 128K. When I first did the upgrade there was no problem. But as I got more and more files on the player the problem showed up. It had gotten so frustrating taking the player out 3 or 4 times in 10 minutes to reboot it. I also was having issues with doing a down-down-down shuffle where it would completely reboot the player. This was VERY frustrating. I finally got the player inside my house and on a serial cable for another reason and saw the VM_try and free pages error or something. So I went into my config file and changed the reserve cache setting from 32 to 64 (32 had been recommended for people who kept getting a lockup on the "loading visuals" aspect of bootup). This completely fixed the problem. On the serial port I get something like using non standard cache of 26 with an adjustment of 64 so I'm guessing that I was correct in my guess and I've not had a single problem since doing this. Hope this helps some

Posted by: mlord

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 05/12/2003 09:58

Where is the jemplode.jar file? I don't need nor want the silly bloated installers.
Posted by: foxtrot_xray

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 05/12/2003 10:58

Where is the jemplode.jar file? I don't need nor want the silly bloated installers.

Me neither, personally. If you want, I can e-mail you JUST the 47 .jar..

Posted by: rob

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 06/12/2003 21:03

Version 3a3 was not meant to be released on the internet to the masses. It was originally released only to alpha testers and those who attended the yearly meet in Europe.

If you hassle me some more you might get an updated alpha when I get back to the UK next week. The emplode issues will probably still exist, but there has been a *lot* of development for Pearl over the last several months that the car player may benefit from.

Thanks to Peter it even builds now

Posted by: image

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 07/12/2003 01:29

[metal note]start poking rob to release next alpha in a week. ok, now in my treo600.[/mental note]
Posted by: genixia

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 07/12/2003 10:19

Please consider yourself duly hassled.
Posted by: adavidw

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 07/12/2003 22:42

hassle, hassle
Posted by: Mataglap

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 12/12/2003 15:31

In reply to:

If you hassle me some more you might get an updated alpha when I get back to the UK next week.

So, uh, Rob, how was your trip?

Posted by: Narkotic

Re: 3.00 alpha upgrade error. - 12/12/2003 16:32

hassel hassel hassel !!
Posted by: tfabris

Hassles - 12/12/2003 16:38

Hey, get in line you guys. He has to get the most recent builds of Jupiter and Mercury up before any recent builds of carplayer. I asked first.

If it's any consolation, those product builds don't need to be compiled, they simply need to be officially posted somewhere. So they're easier to put up than carplayer.
Posted by: Mataglap

Re: Hassles - 22/12/2003 11:28

What's Jupiter and Mercury, by the way? Have they been posted yet?

Posted by: robricc

Re: Hassles - 22/12/2003 11:50

Jupiter is the Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center (AKA Rio Central)

Mercury is the Rio Digital Audio Receiver (AKA Rio Receiver)
Posted by: Mataglap

Re: Hassles - 22/12/2003 12:01

Oh. I guess us carplayer Ogg users are in for a bit of a wait.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Hassles - 22/12/2003 12:04

Actually, I got word from Rob that those two builds have been sent to the appropriate persons and it's now up to somebody else to get them posted, so they should be up soon. So you're now free to hassle Rob about new builds of Carplayer V3.
Posted by: robricc

Re: Hassles - 22/12/2003 12:05

I would say those products are less of a priority than the empeg. They have been discontinued long ago due to poor sales. There are more empeg users (I would think), so I would expect a new empeg release before anything is released for Jupiter or Mercury.

EDIT: I stand corrected. It seems Tony's harassment has paid off.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Hassles - 22/12/2003 12:08

I would say those products are less of a priority than the empeg.
It's not about priority, it's about who asked first.

And anyway, those products had existing builds that merely needed to be posted. The carplayer v3 alpha needs to be compiled, likely debugged a bit, and tested before a release.
Posted by: robricc

Re: Hassles - 22/12/2003 12:11

It's not about priority, it's about who asked first.
I don't know about that. I would say the 2,500+ empeg owners have more pull than the 5-or-so Central owners.
Posted by: Daria

Re: Hassles - 22/12/2003 12:26

I hope the person who's getting them posted takes their time, and we get the carplayer updates first

(One of these days I should get my Mercury out again...)
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Hassles - 22/12/2003 13:12

Strange that one of my empegs is named Venus. I didn't even know of the planet codenames at the time.

The other empeg is Aphrodite. You can probably figure out my naming formula.