Status of tuners?

Posted by: Memil

Status of tuners? - 05/12/2003 06:24


What is the last order number that has been out from pcats? I know the website says 100, but that was in august?

I dont want to disturb him from packaging the new tuners. :-)

I'm #132.

Posted by: retmana

Re: Status of tuners? - 08/12/2003 09:17

Good question.

I'm number #111 but heard nothing so far. Is there a record for longest lead time for an order ever? I think these kits must be quite close to setting one. How nice it would be if the kit I ordered in February was to arrive in time for Christmas...


Posted by: 303

Re: Status of tuners? - 08/12/2003 10:43

#109 no news

it looks like i need a
DVB tuner now
Posted by: fishmonger

Rats. - 08/12/2003 14:28

I was going to order a tuner; looks like I'll be holding off. That's really too bad, as I was looking forward to putting it together.
Posted by: Lupo

Re: Rats. - 08/12/2003 14:56

I should be around #110, no info's yet...If I don't get any news 'til theend of january; I'm going to buy a Blau DAB HU.
Posted by: Memil

Re: Status of tuners? - 09/12/2003 07:20

Well, I have ordered some lenses from Steve(and paid for) and that was in march - but I'm being just a nice (typical swede) and sit and wait... :-)

I'm not in the need for the tuner myself, just that my (new) girlfriend thinks I'm strange that havent got a radio in my the car. I've tried to convince her that its great now that I only have music that I like min MY car - and bring a CD with westlife(or what ever) doesnt help. :-)

I'm sure the tuners come whenever all the parts are in for it...
(The lenses I'm little more worried... But to little money involved to be upset...)

Posted by: Memil

Re: Rats. - 09/12/2003 07:23

You can always put the order.
If I remember correctly you can always say "no thanks" whenever the tuner is ready...
