Which playlists does a track belong to?

Posted by: ngchol

Which playlists does a track belong to? - 05/01/2004 09:45

As my 80Gb MKII is all full up now, it's time to do some pruning - is there any way of knowing what the impact will be of deleting a track on different playlists? I have about 150, so checking it manually would be impossibly time-consuming.
Posted by: Roger

Re: Which playlists does a track belong to? - 05/01/2004 11:01

Even though that track is in multiple playlists, there's usually only one copy of the actual data on the empeg. Deleting it will only save you the space of that one copy.

I say usually, because if you've loaded a bunch of content, and then organised it into playlists, this is what will have happened. See this page for a more technical slant. If you've loaded the same track multiple times, then there may be multiple copies on the empeg.
Posted by: DzlDubber

Re: Which playlists does a track belong to? - 05/01/2004 11:39

I'm not sure whether or not you can do it in Emplode, but I remember Jemplode letting you see how many playlists each song was in. I think if you view a list of all tracks and then add a column to the view to show it. Not sure if you can then find which playlists it belongs too... i think you could, but if not, it's a start.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Which playlists does a track belong to? - 05/01/2004 12:01

First, read this, as well as the link that Roger provided.

Then, use Jemplode. It has the ability to change the color of all playlists which contain the selected song. I don't recall exactly how it works, I just remember seeing it once.

You can also look at the REFS field for a given track, it shows how many different places it's linked.

Another thing would be to sort the "all tracks" view by the song title and see any place where the same title appears twice.
Posted by: RobotCaleb

Re: Which playlists does a track belong to? - 05/01/2004 12:22

i suppose this is as good a place as any to bump a previous posting by myself up
emplode playlist belonging to display
Posted by: ngchol

Re: Which playlists does a track belong to? - 05/01/2004 13:45

jemplode didn't seem to do that when I tried earlier...is there a particular setting required? I know that there's only one copy of the track pointed to by multiple playlists; I *did* read the FAQ first ;-)

The main criterion I am using to discard stuff was how many (or rather, how few) playlists it belonged to, and that's why I wanted to know.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Which playlists does a track belong to? - 05/01/2004 14:57

jemplode didn't seem to do that when I tried earlier...is there a particular setting required?
Using Jemplode 41, I simply right clicked on a track and selected "Toggle Color". All parent playlists that contained said track changed color.

The main criterion I am using to discard stuff was how many (or rather, how few) playlists it belonged to
In which case, as suggested earlier in the thread, all you need is to look at the REFS field for each track. You can add it as a column in the detail view.
Posted by: ngchol

Re: Which playlists does a track belong to? - 07/01/2004 04:27

Thanks ever so much, Tony - that's exactly what I wanted to know! This will save me literally days of sorting out...