
Posted by: Geoff

Insurance - 02/11/1999 10:29

Has anyone (especially in the UK, 'cos that's where I am after all!) looked into the options for taking out insurance on an empeg?

I have queried it with my own insurance company, as my current policy is limited to £500 in any claim on stolen stereo equipment. They told me the £500 is a fixed amount and they won't pay out more under any circumstances. I am told it would be dodgy to try to have it covered under home contents insurance, there was some mention of home contents covering items which are not physically connected to the car (ie. amp & speakers are connected, empeg is removeable, but noone can tell me if that counts)

I'm just a bit worried because for the first time ever, my car has a more expensive stereo than the insurance allows for... :)

Does anyone know of any companies which will provide a separate policy for car audio equipment (preferably a reputable company who will actually pay out in the event of theft, rather than one which will take the premiums and then squirm and wriggle their way out of ever paying...)

---- -------
Reg No. 554, s/n 00064 - It's mine I tell you.... all mine :)
Posted by: Nils

Re: Insurance - 02/11/1999 11:22

Hi there ...
I can't help you for UK Laws, but just to let you know:
The Default value that my Insurance reserves for Car-Hifi is about 1100 Euro, and i was able to pump this up to about 3300 Euro.
In my Insurance contract this is called "additional value", and is ONLY for fixed things -> attached to/built in the car, no loose things like discman or similar ...

So here in Germany it IS possible, at least if you are a customer of the "Provinzial" Insurance ...


Posted by: TommyE

Re: Insurance - 02/11/1999 12:08

Hi there.

Here in Norway we have a maximum of ca. £800, but you can have this limit raised
by paying some more to the insurance company.


Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: Insurance - 02/11/1999 18:23

Can't help you with UK law, but in the US, I was able to increase the insurance coverage on my stereo stuff from the default $500 to about $3000 by paying an extra $36 a year. My original coverage was good for anything in original factory locations; any additional equipment was not covered, so I paid the extra $3 a month to cover everything.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
Posted by: schofiel

Re: Insurance - 03/11/1999 02:00

Hill House Hammond used to do a policy with a Lloyds consortium (can't remember who) specifically for ICE insurance. I paid about GBP 36 in 1991 to cover up to about 3,000 worth of gear, which had to be a "fixed installation" (this was before removeable radio fronts, etc.).

In NL, we have a contents insurance which covers all our cars, up to a value of (I think) Fl 5,000. Hmmm. Maybe I should get this verified....

Posted by: Jazzwire

Re: Insurance - 03/11/1999 02:09

My policy states "Unlimited Audio Cover", but I'm going to check what sort of exclusions they place on it...
It's a Guernsey policy though, so probably no use to you.. =/

(List 112, S/N 00030, 4 gig blue)
Posted by: Cambscar

Re: Insurance - 03/11/1999 11:37

Firebond tend to be the most recommended company that I've heard of (and not just around these parts, although they do happen to be just a couple of miles away from the centre of Cambridge. Max Power and the rest tend to name drop them on a pretty regular basis). Trouble is, the car crime rate in the UK, and the type of person stereotypically associated with expensive ICE has pushed premiums way through the roof.


Cambridge Car Audio