HTML - GIFs on the empeg Display

Posted by: Micman2b

HTML - GIFs on the empeg Display - 06/02/2004 17:09

I am a weather geek and would like to see weather pages/graphics on the empeg diplay. To access the internet one would need a cell modem/cell phone and some type of the device to get the signal to the serial port on the empeg. Is there any software that has been made to view HTML or GIF images on the empeg?? Are there any other ways to receive a signal from the modem/cell phone?

Sean in NC
Posted by: tfabris

Re: HTML - GIFs on the empeg Display - 06/02/2004 17:18

What you're asking for, I believe, is a web browser implemented from the emepg's front panel. Currently no one has implented anything like this. The only way to get GIFs or HTML pages up on the empeg's screen is to convert it from another file format (in advance) and use it as a replacement for the Image Pan graphic. Not an ideal implementation.

As far as getting the signal from the cell phone, if the cell phone's got a standard serial port or an ethernet port, no problem, and your only barrier is writing the appropriate software. Otherwise, there isn't much you can do.
Posted by: Micman2b

Re: HTML - GIFs on the empeg Display - 06/02/2004 17:21

Yeah, a web browser for the empeg would be what I was looking for. Maybe someday... I am not a programmer so I can be no help there.

Sean in NC
Posted by: Daria

Re: HTML - GIFs on the empeg Display - 06/02/2004 17:35

The only way to get GIFs or HTML pages up on the empeg's screen is to convert it from another file format (in advance) and use it as a replacement for the Image Pan graphic.

Only if by "only way" you mean "other than doing something similar but not the same by running empan".