Standby via remote

Posted by: BillB

Standby via remote - 10/08/2000 00:05

I've re-read the docs, searched the BBS and played around with the remote - I'm guessing it's not possible to go to standby using just the remote? Granted, the player is normally within reach, so it's not too important. I'm just curious...

Bill B.
Mk.2 SN 080000183 - 18 GB /
Posted by: teemcbee

Re: Standby via remote - 10/08/2000 00:46

You can go to the menu and then select the Menu-item power off.

Go my Mk2! # 080000143
Posted by: BillB

Re: Standby via remote - 10/08/2000 08:07

I guess I should've re-read my post a little more before submitting - I should've asked if there was a 1 or 2 keypress shortcut, so it's not necessary to navigate the menu.

Basically, when the player is connected to my home stereo, I can't read the display from where I normally sit. Just wondering if there was a way to shut it down without a half dozen key presses and without getting up and walking over to it. I'm just lazy...

Bill B.
Mk.2 SN 080000183 - 18 GB /
Posted by: ppslim

Re: Standby via remote - 10/08/2000 08:13

I know that with the MK1 - you can use "* 5 DNPP" to goto standby (Beta 11C).

Have you tried this method, using a number key to shortcut to it.

Proud owner of #161
Posted by: BillB

Re: Standby via remote - 10/08/2000 09:27

Sweet! I had no idea that you could use the numbers to jump directly to an option - I thought left/right was it.


Bill B.
Mk.2 SN 080000183 - 18 GB /
Posted by: ClemsonJeep

Re: Standby via remote - 10/08/2000 10:51

Wow. I had no idea you could do that either. :)

Hmmmm.... Maybe I should pay more attention or start hitting random buttons. Heh.


Posted by: tfabris

Re: Standby via remote - 10/08/2000 11:08

Holy crap. I had no idea you could do that. I was always scrolling to the left and right to get to the "power off" function.

I feel so stupid. Somebody needs to give me a dope slap.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: ppslim

Re: Standby via remote - 10/08/2000 22:02

You telling me that a sad little bar-man like me knew that but you lot didn't.

Just guys outa get in more - LOL

Proud owner of #161
Posted by: alear

Re: Standby via remote - 11/08/2000 09:24

I can't read the display from where I normally sit.

Just another reason for a TV output.

Alex Lear
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Standby via remote - 11/08/2000 10:20

Just another reason for a TV output.

Now that's something I'd like to see. Would this be possible for anyone? I know there is a program for controlling the empeg from a PC, so I could use that with the PC I have hooked up to my TV.

Would anyone be interested in making a program that showed the same exact screen that is on the empeg on a PC? Would that be hard?

Posted by: alear

Re: Standby via remote - 11/08/2000 10:45

Like I have said before, if someone can get that information out the serial port of the empeg, I can make a "black box" TV output that doesn't require a PC and could be used in the car or at home. I can also easily add a transmitter so you just tune your TV to a specific channel and it pops up on the screen from across the room or across the house. Add remote extending to this and you've got a whole house audio solution. :)

Alex Lear