How much is the price to add another hard drive?

Posted by: BasicGuy

How much is the price to add another hard drive? - 17/11/1999 23:41

Altman How much do charge to add another hard drive to a unit someone all ready
owns? A price for each size hard drive would be helpful.


Brad Graff

Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: How much is the price to add another hard drive? - 18/11/1999 16:49

I'd like to know the same thing. Who knows -- if the price is reasonable enough, I might start bidding against you for that 6GB unit on ebay. ;-)

Hang in there, Brad - your last bid has held out against all comers for nearly four days now, just three days to go. I hope you make it, and it's not even that much over the list price. So far....


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
Posted by: BasicGuy

Re: How much is the price to add another hard drive? - 18/11/1999 22:10

Well I'm glad someone thinks I'm not crazy for bidding on it.
Maybe I could have you explain to my girl friend why its worth it.
Just kidding. She don't know how much I'm bidding on it.
I hope see don't find out just yet. I'm just glad I'm not
married now. And I can still do what ever I want with my money.

Waiting for sunday,
Brad Graff

Posted by: dionysus

Re: How much is the price to add another hard drive? - 19/11/1999 08:02

...If you dont' mind voiding your warranty, a 10gb drive for this (toshiba, off of is only $265

Posted by: perreag

Re: How much is the price to add another hard drive? - 19/11/1999 18:33

Lucky you....;-)

I tried to bid on several PJB 100 and prices are over 1250$ for a 4.86 Gig walkman... it is way to much... I'm thinking to bid back on that Empeg... we'll see during the week-end..

Anyway good luck to you.

Posted by: altman

Re: How much is the price to add another hard drive? - 20/11/1999 01:00

I had a play with the PJB100 (and a chat to the techies) at Comdex today and it is cute... but for in-car use it's not really a patch on the empeg. The categorisations are simpler, the interface is (imho) a bit clunky and you loose out on all the extra features of the empeg like 4 channel outs, tuner, parametric eq, database search, storage capacity, VBR support (PJB doesn't do VBR at all at the moment, though they hope to fix this in the future) etc.

On the other hand, the empeg isn't a walkman. You'd look silly carrying it around with a 12v lead-acid battery ;)

If I was seriously in the market for a MP3 walkman, it's the only one I'd consider. But I'd have to be pretty serious to spend $800 on such a losable box! (They had 2 stolen from their booth during the show...)


Posted by: perreag

Re: How much is the price to add another hard drive? - 21/11/1999 07:45

Good info....
It's just confirming my opinion.

It looks like Christmas will be in March for me...

Waiting... around number 9400....


Posted by: dionysus

Re: How much is the price to add another hard drive? - 22/11/1999 09:56

speaking of "carrying it around" - what's the power consumption rate for the empeg? Would be nice if someone could make a battery pack/headphone jack for this thing; or maybe a seperate battery powered box w/ it's own built in speakers...

Posted by: pca

Re: How much is the price to add another hard drive? - 22/11/1999 11:11

The power consumption is very low, around 10W max when spinning up a drive. We have, in fact, run one successfully from a set
of 8 AA batteries for a while, although duracells do get pretty warm. NiMH would be a better choice, and on the mk2 version which
has a PSU that will accept voltages down to about 5.5V, should give a reasonable life.

Out of interest, I did some measurements, and it would just be possible to fit a battery pack of around 1.2AH into the second drive
slot. However, we have no plans to do so as a product, since the demand would be so low, and it would add a number of major
hassles to the design.


Opinions expressed in this email may contain up to 42% water by weight, and are mine. All mine.