Empeg Stolen :-(

Posted by: eternalsun

Empeg Stolen :-( - 06/07/2004 15:17

Hi everyone,

I haven't posted in a while, and unfortunately, this morning my car was broken into and my empeg stolen. Now that support is over, what is the procedure? What should I do? *depressed*

Posted by: genixia

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 06/07/2004 15:24

That sucks.

Post the serial number here, and buy another one. Look around your neighborhood just in case the theif discarded it soon afterwards.

Did they take the sled/remote too? Or just the player?
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 06/07/2004 15:36


<insert standard lecture here>

There have been a few players for sale in the forums and on ebay. That is your best chance of replacing the player at the moment. Sorry to hear about your loss!
Posted by: Skunk

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 06/07/2004 16:01

That sucks!!! Those bastards!!

What part of San Jose? Depending on the area, they might end up pawning it. There are several pawn shops downtown that will take anything, including drivers licenses. I'd be more than happy to help locate it for you since I live near the Downtown area.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 06/07/2004 16:06

I think the empeg team still wants the serial numbers of stolen players.
Posted by: tman

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 06/07/2004 16:23

You sure? I seem to remember Rob posting that people shouldn't do that anymore...

[edit]Found it. The post is here[/edit]
Posted by: rob

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 06/07/2004 16:51

That's slightly different. I don't want to do searches for people (not least due to questionable data protection implications) but there are still advantages to sending in the serial number. I'm out of the office right now but sending the serial number to [email protected] very soon would be a great idea.

Posted by: FireFox31

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 06/07/2004 17:28

Or, of course, check EBay for the empeg.

Fools for stealing something they'll never know how to use. I'm so sorry to hear that it happened.
Posted by: tman

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 06/07/2004 17:42

Ah okay. Thought you meant keeping the serial number database as well.
Posted by: loren

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 06/07/2004 18:51

Welcome to the worst empeg club to belong too... those who've had theirs stolen. Sorry man. My sympathies.
Posted by: eternalsun

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 06/07/2004 20:43

OMG, where do I get the serial number? I've done some computer upgrades and I don't think I have the Rio software installed, just jemplode. Is there anywhere where I might be able to get the serial number now? Shoot! *frustrated*

Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 06/07/2004 20:47

Did you ever register it on the old, old empeg board? Or have it in a sig file on riocar.org?
Posted by: eternalsun

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 06/07/2004 20:47

I'm in West San Jose. My empeg has been quite individualized. It's most noticeable characteristic is its burlwood fascia. And a boot logo that has my name and cell phone number. I would rather have my empeg back than money, or even another empeg to build up again. :-( If you see my empeg out there in a pawn shop, let me know.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 06/07/2004 20:48

If you bought the player used, perhaps the original owner knows it. Or maybe you responded to an ad on the BBS where the number was part of the post.

If you bought the player new, it might be on the box.

If you ever photographed the player, it might be on the sticker on the back (depending on the player model).
Posted by: eternalsun

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 07/07/2004 03:34

I bought mine new, and the only number aside from the UPC on the box is:

90260233-002. Is this it?

Posted by: RobotCaleb

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 07/07/2004 03:53

per this im going to go with 'no'
thats not a definite answer, though
Posted by: peter

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 07/07/2004 08:43

90260233-002. Is this it?

Don't think so, sorry.

Posted by: genixia

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 07/07/2004 10:16

Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 07/07/2004 10:28

Good catch!!!
Posted by: eternalsun

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 07/07/2004 16:14

You are awesome. I totally forgot about that. I've had a couple of computer failures, a hard drive crash, a job change, and a digital camera crash. (I took pictures of the back of the empeg after Eutronix added the digital sound card). So my likely places was turning up empty :-(. Thanks Genixia.

Posted by: loren

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 07/07/2004 17:31

Oh man... it even had a super rare wooden fascia? those bastards.
Posted by: genixia

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 07/07/2004 20:43

No hassle. I only wish I could find your empeg that easily.
Posted by: AndrewT

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 07/07/2004 22:26


Wow, hats off to Tom for keeping the db behind the forum safe and searchable after all this time, not to mention through the recent upgrades too - awesome

Oh, and credit where it's due to Genixia for digging up that post as well, your search foo is strong today.
Posted by: peakmop

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 14/07/2004 17:53

Here's a thought: maybe Patrick can design for us an empeg beacon kit just in case some misfortune like this happens.
Here are some hightlights: the beacon could have a rechargable battery while empeg is connected and the beacon can be activated every time the empeg is disconnected from the power. The beacon could be controlled (via a password) through Hijack menu. Hardware-wise the beacon could have serial interface.
Posted by: andym

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 14/07/2004 18:34

This has been discussed many, many, many times before and the conclusion was that it would be more hassle than it's worth. The simplest answer is DON'T LEAVE IT IN THE CAR!!!! I struggle to think of anyone who has had one stolen by any other means.
Posted by: Roger

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 14/07/2004 18:43

I struggle to think of anyone who has had one stolen by any other means.

To the extent that when the house I was sharing with Toby (a year or two ago) was burgled, the thieves left three (count 'em) empegs alone.
Posted by: FireFox31

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 14/07/2004 23:33

That happened to someone else a long while ago also. House broken into, but the empeg laying in plain sight was left behind.

My search-foo is weak tonight or else I'd try to find the link.
Posted by: Heather

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 14/07/2004 23:38

I struggle to think of anyone who has had one stolen by any other means.

Mine was stolen while it was in my bag with my arm through the strap. It was later recovered tho.
Posted by: peakmop

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 15/07/2004 02:56

<me>Picking up the phone and signing up for a full comprehensive Empeg Insurance</me>
Posted by: jnmunsey

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 21/07/2004 03:43

I don't really want to reveal this, but I rarely take mine out of the car. It really is a hassle, and quite dorky if you ask me. Ok maybe when I am at home it makes more sense, but I ain't lugging that thing into a restaurant, movie theater, or similar.

Now, considering there are no more spare VFDs available, I think LEAVING it in the care is more prudent(for me at least), as it can't be DROPPED if it isn't removed. I think eventually I will drop mine if I take it out every day.

Plus, even though it is in my dash, nobody(riff-raff) would know it, and the only stereo they would see is my car's stock stereo which acts as my CD player/radio.

Still I understand some people don't have that option, so it is a catch 22. To me though no piece of electronic equipment is so sacred to alter my way of life while NOT enjoying it..

-John M
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 21/07/2004 15:46

but I ain't lugging that thing into a restaurant, movie theater, or similar.

I had a CD player stolen from my car while I was in a restaurant for a mere two hours. It was in a populated, high-traffic area, in the early evening.

What was stolen was a cheap CD player, easily replaced. Of course, they got into the trunk and stole the subwoofer, too, but that was easily replaced as well. That's not the point.

Have you ever had a stereo stolen out of your car before? Until it's happened to you, you can't know what it feels like. It's a terrible feeling to be victimized like that. In this particular case, I had to drive home for an hour on a cold night, with the passenger side window of my car smashed out, broken glass all over the car interior, and my dashboard ripped apart. Oh, and no music.

Also keep in mind that thieves often steal more than the stereo. In this case, they got several CDs and my checkbook, requiring that I cancel the checking account and open a new one, which of course came with its own hassles when the checks I'd recently written bounced.

You're not just protecting the stereo.

But even if you were, think about how rare and hard to replace your empeg is.

If the above hasn't convinced you yet, then you won't get my sympathy when it gets stolen. And it will get stolen, that's just a matter of time.
Posted by: Daria

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 21/07/2004 16:31

I don't really want to reveal this, but I rarely take mine out of the car. It really is a hassle, and quite dorky if you ask me. Ok maybe when I am at home it makes more sense, but I ain't lugging that thing into a restaurant, movie theater, or similar.

One movie theater I frequent finally chased me down after a few months and asked if they could see what was in the plastic case, after I was seated. I showed him, and he left. They haven't asked since.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 21/07/2004 16:36

That's one of the advantages of having the empeg bag, it doesn't look like a bomb, so no one ever asks you about it.

The only time I've ever been asked what's in the bag is when I go to a rock concert, and then I just say "it's my car stereo", unzip it, and they let me pass. Really no more inconvenient than the pat-down search they give you.
Posted by: andym

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 21/07/2004 17:20

That's one of the advantages of having the empeg bag, it doesn't look like a bomb, so no one ever asks you about it.

I've had a nightclub doorman remark you could quite easily fit a handgun in it if the empeg wasn't in there, so I shouldn't be surprised they get suspicous when they see something like that.
Posted by: rob

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 21/07/2004 22:09

That's one of the advantages of having the empeg bag, it doesn't look like a bomb, so no one ever asks you about it.

The only time I've ever been asked what's in the bag is when I go to a rock concert, and then I just say "it's my car stereo", unzip it, and they let me pass. Really no more inconvenient than the pat-down search they give you.

I would think a movie theatre is more concerned that it might be a camcorder.

Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 21/07/2004 22:18

What do they do with people who have photographic memory? Hmmm...

I just leave mine at home all the time now. With no sled in the car, it's an easy choice. My entire car was stolen in minutes while I was asleep, upstairs in my room, not more than 30 feet from it in a straight line. Had the empeg been in it.... Yeah, I'd have to put some hard drives in my spare, but that's not the point.

Posted by: tman

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 21/07/2004 22:35

A big mallet which smacks you over the head so you get amnesia?
Posted by: Daria

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 22/07/2004 00:38

That's one of the advantages of having the empeg bag, it doesn't look like a bomb, so no one ever asks you about it.

1) Less protective, if
2) It even exists. I'll believe it exists when I have one.
Posted by: FireFox31

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 22/07/2004 01:20

4 of 'em over in For Sale. Well, past tense. A number of threads have revealed that Gameboy bags and other simple looking small bags can work instead of the real empeg bag.

Funny, unlike dbrashear, I've never been asked what's in the bomb-like Pelican case I've been carrying around for over a year now. I wonder what I'll say to that first person who asks to see what's inside...

But yeah, it is dorky to take the empeg out of the car. But once you get a nice bag and get in the habit, you won't mind. Nobody will even notice the little bag in your hand or over your shoulder. /me mumbles how rugged man-purses should be socially allowed
Posted by: jnmunsey

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 31/07/2004 06:05

I have had my car broken into before numerous times(they ignored the empeg once, but it was hidden). No my stereo was never taken, but I have had windows broken and other stuff taken. So what if I get my stereo stolen, empeg or not. It isn't that important to me. I like it, but there are a lot more important things to dwell on in life than a car stereo, and to me at least, if my stereo worried me that much I would consider therapy..

but I ain't lugging that thing into a restaurant, movie theater, or similar.

I had a CD player stolen from my car while I was in a restaurant for a mere two hours. It was in a populated, high-traffic area, in the early evening.

What was stolen was a cheap CD player, easily replaced. Of course, they got into the trunk and stole the subwoofer, too, but that was easily replaced as well. That's not the point.

Have you ever had a stereo stolen out of your car before? Until it's happened to you, you can't know what it feels like. It's a terrible feeling to be victimized like that. In this particular case, I had to drive home for an hour on a cold night, with the passenger side window of my car smashed out, broken glass all over the car interior, and my dashboard ripped apart. Oh, and no music.

Also keep in mind that thieves often steal more than the stereo. In this case, they got several CDs and my checkbook, requiring that I cancel the checking account and open a new one, which of course came with its own hassles when the checks I'd recently written bounced.

You're not just protecting the stereo.

But even if you were, think about how rare and hard to replace your empeg is.

If the above hasn't convinced you yet, then you won't get my sympathy when it gets stolen. And it will get stolen, that's just a matter of time.
Posted by: Roger

Re: Empeg Stolen :-( - 31/07/2004 07:38

So what if I get my stereo stolen, empeg or not.

Heresy! Heresy! Burn the witch!