Translucent Buttons - The Cost Poll

Posted by: FireFox31

Translucent Buttons - The Cost Poll - 03/09/2004 17:09

Hi everyone, it's time for an important step in the Translucent Button Project. I need your input on what these parts should cost. I've received a bunch of quotes and have more on the way. So there are many options on how to produce and sell these buttons. But if it's not done the way YOU want, then it will fail.

Only one of these sales options can be offered (unless you all have other suggestions!) Please choose the option that represents the maximum you'd be willing to pay for buttons, meaning that you'd be willing to buy any of the lesser options or pay less for the option you chose. The options go from minimum to maximum on both price and quantity, in a way.

And maybe this poll is a horrible idea; shooting myself in the foot by not delivering a price that the majority wants. I've been debating it for a long time for this reason. Take this chance to let me know any other thoughts you have about cost, production volume, future demand, whatever else. Thanks so much for your input. I can hardly wait to get these into production and then into the hands of the community!
Posted by: FireFox31

Re: Translucent Buttons - The Cost Poll - 08/10/2004 23:24

Oh, crap! I really really *really* misread Brian's costs on his old button sale page. His $45 price included the 6 piece button set, 4 LEDs, and the resistor. I don't know how I missed the lights in there.

So, the poll turned out to be misleading and I'm horribly sorry for any confusion that it caused. Brian's price was $25 for a set. So, the bottom three options should have read:

- Up to $50 for a 5 set bundle including each color - because that's five for Brian's price for two
- Up to $80 for a 5 set bundle including each color - because that's five for near Brian's price for three
- Up to $110 for a 5 set bundle including each color - because that's near even with Brian's price

I'm working these numbers as hard as I can in order to bring the price as low as possible. Right now, it looks good, below my maximum. But the slightest extra cost could throw it off, so I need to be very careful.

So, I'll keep working these numbers until I eventually do the math wrong to show some brilliant price. And maybe my I can come up with some more ideas (like my recent two) for getting more life out of this project, thus helping lower the per-unit cost.

Hang in there folks. To allow extra time for the unknown, I'm essentially shooting for "in time for Christmas". Thanks for your patience and I'm sorry that the poll was misleading. Flame away.