
Posted by: dionysus

long..threads...must...DIE... - 05/09/2000 16:46

(sigh) it's annoying loading a 400 message thread:)

MK2: 36gb
Tivo: 90gb
CPU: 120gb
...I think drive manufacturers love me!
Posted by: tfabris

Re: long..threads...must...DIE... - 05/09/2000 17:12

(sigh) it's annoying loading a 400 message thread:)

For me, the big problem is that Netscape freezes when it has to reformat a large table. It goes like this: Thread begins to load. Download of all data. All data for the page is now downloaded. Netscape begins to reformat the page which contains one large table. All instances of Netscape windows running on that machine freeze during this reformat. Cannot do anything with any Netscape window for 5-15 seconds depending on size of table- not even move or repaint. Note that this is AFTER all the data is downloaded.

IE, on the other hand, displays the large tables almost instantly and remains responsive the whole time. There are other unrelated problems with IE that prevent me from using it, though.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: long..threads...must...DIE... - 05/09/2000 19:14

400 message thread:)

C'mon, Di, you're exaggerating a bit there.

I think the longest thread on the board might be this one and it's less than 100 posts long.

OK, who's going to accept the challenge of proving me wrong and dredge up a longer thread?


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
Posted by: drakino

Re: long..threads...must...DIE... - 05/09/2000 22:36

Ok, the top 3 I found on a quick scan:

The empeg-car Mark 2 by myself at 94

The guys@empeg are too proper sounding... by ShadowMan with exactly 100

And the biggest one I found:

Opinions on empeg sound stage by Rob, with 107 messages.

(Be forewarned, I browse all messages flat, no matter the size, so the above links may take minutes to load on a modem connection).

Also, I'd like to point out that Tony is at an average of 7.4 messages a day, or 56.14 a week. How many keyboard replacements have you needed Tony? :-)

Posted by: tonyc

Re: long..threads...must...DIE... - 06/09/2000 05:13

Hm... Does WWWthreads allow moderators to "prune" threads? Like the shipping confirmation thread started to get way off topic with the Brazil stuff... It would have been nice to pull that into a new parent thread. It'd keep them a little more manageable when they get off topic...

My 18gb blue Empeg is in Memphis, and I'm not. Woe is me.