Newbie Needs Advice

Posted by: Gallagher419

Newbie Needs Advice - 14/12/2004 19:29

Currently I own a Kenwood-910 Music Keg and my H/U is A Kenwood Excelon x-879. I want to replace the keg with something better but I'm confused with so many choices. I can get my hands on an Empeg MkII. I have also been looking at the following units as well the Alpine HDA 5460 and the Dension DMP3 and the Dension 100ix. Any insight that someone can provide is appreciated.
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Newbie Needs Advice - 14/12/2004 19:32

What are your needs and preferences? What do you like/dislike about the Kenwood? We're going to be partial to the empeg, but if you tell us what your buying perspective is, we can help you out better.
Posted by: CrackersMcCheese

Re: Newbie Needs Advice - 14/12/2004 19:36

The Dension is cheap and flimpsy IMO. I'd stay well clear if I were you.
Posted by: Gallagher419

Re: Newbie Needs Advice - 14/12/2004 20:23

What I don't like about the Kenwood Keg is that I need somewhere around 80GB for my music and that will cost $400 because Phatnoise(who makes the Keg as I'm sure you all know) has made their hard drives so they cannot be upgraded! I only have one line of text on my H/U and it is limited to Artist/Track or Artist/Album so I would like to have more lines of display something like Artist/Album/Track and time of Track. Hope that helps.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Newbie Needs Advice - 14/12/2004 20:28

Certainly the empeg meets your requirements as to display. The hard drives are fairly easily upgradable, but they're laptop hard drives, so they cost a little more than regular desktop hard drives (and don't have as much capacity), but you could still get, currently, 200GB worth of storage in the empeg for a little less than $400 or, more reasonably, 160GB for less than $275.
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Newbie Needs Advice - 14/12/2004 20:33

Also, if you buy an empeg, you'll have an active, intelligent user community to answer your questions Also, a comprehensive FAQ.
Posted by: FireFox31

Re: Newbie Needs Advice - 15/12/2004 00:08

And the empeg provides numerous ways to take advantage of its display. Three of the many options are: the standard 3 line song/artist/album/year/runtime display, a simple 1 line scrolling artist/song/runtime display or no text to let the numerous cool visuals play full screen. There are additional song info display options in software created by empeg users. There are also plenty of other software that takes advantage of the screen in other ways.

Flexible customizable software, security via pullout design, user upgradable storage, and so much more.
Posted by: cushman

Re: Newbie Needs Advice - 15/12/2004 14:23

Maybe you should go over to ipodlounge and ask them if you should buy an iPod.
Posted by: peter

Re: Newbie Needs Advice - 15/12/2004 14:25

Maybe you should go over to ipodlounge and ask them if you should buy an iPod.

Maybe you should
