Empeg Freezes While Synchronising

Posted by: Gallagher419

Empeg Freezes While Synchronising - 07/01/2005 03:04

Ok for those who have read my other post I seem to have another problem. When I run Emplode and the player synchronizes it freezes and it always happens when it is in the checking media part. I have tried using USB and Serial and it freezes using both and Emplode usually crashes but not all the time. Everything went fine during the first synch after I upgraded the hard drive. I loaded about 10 songs onto the player but now it stops synchronising, what gives? Thanks in advance!
Posted by: cushman

Re: Empeg Freezes While Synchronising - 07/01/2005 03:10

Seems like the empeg needs to fsck the drives. Let it go (it may take hours, especially with a large drive like 100m). Leave it overnight and check it in the morning. If it still gives you problems, post a boot log, and let it go (keep viewing the serial output) while you synchronize.
Posted by: schofiel

Re: Empeg Freezes While Synchronising - 07/01/2005 07:00

...or better still, turn on logging from the options tab during/after connect.

It's probably not hanging, but doing an fsck. You should put your ear to the case and listen to hear if the disk twitches regularly, about every second or so. A full fsck on a 100M drive will take about 6 hours.

Have you manually partitioned the drive using Roger's instructions? If not, you are in for a disappointment.

A lot of this stuff is covered in the FAQ. Have you taken the time to read it?
Posted by: Gallagher419

Re: Empeg Freezes While Synchronising - 07/01/2005 08:49

Yes I have read the FAQ's but most of the things covered in there sound like a foreign language to me. I really don't know jack about computers so I am way out of my league.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Empeg Freezes While Synchronising - 07/01/2005 17:29

I run Emplode and the player synchronizes it freezes and it always happens when it is in the checking media part.

Gallacger, please click here.
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Empeg Freezes While Synchronising - 07/01/2005 20:59

I'm not giving you a hard time (or don't mean to be) but don't be afriad to post in the "Technical/Troubleshooting" section of this BBS. Your post will still get read there and may actually get a more prompt response. Most members here read all of the sections and if we see someone posting in "Technical" we are more likely to check that first - knowing that one of our members may be having difficulty.
Posted by: Gallagher419

Re: Empeg Freezes While Synchronising - 07/01/2005 21:06

Ok sounds like I'll be doing that because I have another question!
Posted by: schofiel

Re: Empeg Freezes While Synchronising - 07/01/2005 22:19

The majority of answers in Tony's FAQ are pretty carefully written for empeg owners who are not necessarily computer experts. On some points, it's necessary to assume that you are at least able to operate your computer: if you can't work a way around your own PC, it's unlikely you will get a lot of mileage out of the empeg....