Palantir 1.0 with DIA support

Posted by: cushman

Palantir 1.0 with DIA support - 19/02/2005 03:44

Supports new 5-way navigators on T3/T5/Treo 6x0, supports portrait and landscape mode on Palms with Dynamic Input Areas (T3/T5/Zodiac). If you have a Sony Clie with DIA support let me know and I may find the time to implement my changes for that platform also. Sony went off and did their own DIA coding so it is different than the official PalmOS one.

Download Palantir 1.0 here.



Now I can finally see most of the titles for my Morrissey tracks.
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Palantir 1.0 with DIA support - 24/02/2005 01:40

I don't have a DIA Palm, but I think it's cool that you're working on this and I love using what you've done so far!
Posted by: simspos

Re: Palantir 1.0 with DIA support - 24/02/2005 06:58

Yep, love the direction this is taking too, thanks Mark.

Now gotta start saving my pennies coz I really need the extra screen space option in landscape mode to read my song titles.

Cheers, Sim
Posted by: mlord

Re: Palantir 1.0 with DIA support - 24/02/2005 17:07

What's a DIA?

I suppose my PalmOne Zire72 has it as well, whatever it is.

Posted by: mlord

Re: Palantir 1.0 with DIA support - 24/02/2005 17:08

Do we only need the new palm binary, or a whole replacement Empire as well?

Posted by: tman

Re: Palantir 1.0 with DIA support - 24/02/2005 17:12

Supports new 5-way navigators on T3/T5/Treo 6x0, supports portrait and landscape mode on Palms with Dynamic Input Areas (T3/T5/Zodiac)

DIA is where it has a rectangular screen instead of the square one in older Palms. The bit at the bottom where you used to have the input area is now just part of the normal touchscreen. You can show and hide the input area to get extra screen estate. The Zire 72 doesn't have this feature.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Palantir 1.0 with DIA support - 24/02/2005 17:19

Oh. Nice app by the way.

But I am rapidly getting tired of the little pop-up at the end that repeatedly asks me if I want to waste my battery power for no good reason.

Your option to receive beamed data is turned off. Do you want to turn it on now?

Any chance of getting rid of that, or at least having it remember that I don't want to waste batteries?

Posted by: cushman

Re: Palantir 1.0 with DIA support - 24/02/2005 19:06

Do we only need the new palm binary, or a whole replacement Empire as well?

Just the Palm binary, the only difference is the dynamic input area support.

But I am rapidly getting tired of the little pop-up at the end that repeatedly asks me if I want to waste my battery power for no good reason.

Your option to receive beamed data is turned off. Do you want to turn it on now?

Any chance of getting rid of that, or at least having it remember that I don't want to waste batteries?

I can't see a solution to this one. This is a Palm internal message that will pop up when you use the IrDA functions but do not have Beam Receive turned on. The only way to get rid of it (as far as I can see right now) is to turn Beam Receive on.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Palantir 1.0 with DIA support - 24/02/2005 19:08

Can your app turn it on before PalmOS checks and then turn it back off after it's no longer checking?
Posted by: cushman

Re: Palantir 1.0 with DIA support - 24/02/2005 20:00

I use the Exchange Manager APIs to create an OBEX object and beam it via IrDA to the Empeg, and I think when I do a send, this popup is generated then. It's not something that I can turn on or off, because it's built into the API. I could write my own IrDA code that accesses the hardware directly and bypass the Exchange Manager APIs, but it would be a PITA.

Edit: I see what you mean now, turn on Beam Receive before sending, then turn it off after.. I will look into this. (good idea!)
Posted by: image

Re: Palantir 1.0 with DIA support - 25/02/2005 18:09

for that beam off problem, you have to install a hack

hack is on the page
its called nobeamdialog.prc or something like it

i'm assuming you have an os5 palm. i'm sure there is an equivalent for other versions.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Palantir 1.0 with DIA support - 26/02/2005 00:48

Yeah, it's OS5, in all it's glory!

Today I discovered mapopolis, and its nice semi-integration with cachemate for my Zire72. Wow!

Okay, so.. who out there has experience with MS S&T for PalmOS? Any Good? Any compelling reason for me *not* to lay out the (tiny) bucks for mapopolis after the 9-day free trial expiry?

Posted by: TerryMathews

Re: Palantir 1.0 with DIA support - 28/02/2005 04:25

This is probably a really, incredibly stupid question but I'm not quite ready to install this yet and want to learn a bit more about it before I decide if I like it or not.

The playlists that are sent to the empeg, they are just temporary correct? They aren't saved into the Playlists menu option?

As to the other question, if I'm in an uploaded playlist and power the car off, will that same playlist come back up when I turn the car back on, or will it be lost?
Posted by: simspos

Re: Palantir 1.0 with DIA support - 28/02/2005 07:34

The playlists that are sent to the empeg, they are just temporary correct? They aren't saved into the Playlists menu option?

if I'm in an uploaded playlist and power the car off, will that same playlist come back up when I turn the car back on, or will it be lost?

Cheers, Sim
Posted by: TerryMathews

Re: Palantir 1.0 with DIA support - 28/02/2005 15:39

if I'm in an uploaded playlist and power the car off, will that same playlist come back up when I turn the car back on, or will it be lost?

So, which is it? The uploaded playlist will come up, or it will be lost?
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Palantir 1.0 with DIA support - 28/02/2005 16:07

It will survive power cycles.
Posted by: cushman

Re: Palantir 1.0 with DIA support - 01/03/2005 00:49

The playlists that are sent to the empeg, they are just temporary correct? They aren't saved into the Playlists menu option?

No, it works just like if you used the remote to search and insert/append/replace songs, or if you did the same thing in the Playlists menu with just individual tracks. The only thing that gets modified is the current running playlist.

As to the other question, if I'm in an uploaded playlist and power the car off, will that same playlist come back up when I turn the car back on, or will it be lost?

The tracks are inserted/appended/enqueued/replaced into the current running playlist, so power cycles will not affect it. It is just like if you inserted one track into the current playlist with the menus/remote.