Drive Upgrade then alpha8 sync issues

Posted by: jwtadmin

Drive Upgrade then alpha8 sync issues - 07/03/2005 12:58

OK so I finally bought a replacement HD for my original 18G, as after 5 years of use it was giving up the ghost.

I followed the disk replacement proc and put alpha8 on it.

I remembered long ago about emplode deleting your music if you copied via drag and drop during the full moon and you weren't wearing your lucky emplode hat. So I was using jemplode and I created a soup all on the player to make sure I wasn't accidentally deleting my mp3's.

At this point I can add via drag and drop, but when I go to create a new playlist, using the all soup and pressing CTL+y to add to playlist, when I sync it says adding <playlist name> gets to 20% and hangs, forever. I am forced to pull the plug and do an FSCK then rebuild the db's.

What is the correct way to manage playlists in alpha 8? I remember a post about downgrading to 2.0 to mess w playlists then adding alpha 8 back on. Is this still true?

I haven't messed w my playlists in 3 years what is the best way to do this?
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Drive Upgrade then alpha8 sync issues - 07/03/2005 13:06


I am not convinced this is an alpha issue. I know there are a few out there, but when I rebuild from scratch I have trouble uploading (using emplode) more than a fixed amount (I never calculated it) of playlists at the same time.

I would recommend to do your main sync with 2.0 and upgrade to alpha 3.8 after your music and playlists are set.
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Drive Upgrade then alpha8 sync issues - 07/03/2005 13:48

Is it possible to copy the files from one drive to another or is the old drive too unstable?

I agree with Paul. It's at least worth a try doing your uploads in small batches. Also, 2.00 is not only more stable, but more people have experience with it. So, if the problem still occurs in 2.00, more of us can help you (though, I suppose the people that tend to be most helpful already have 3.00 installed! )
Posted by: jwtadmin

Re: Drive Upgrade then alpha8 sync issues - 07/03/2005 17:10

Old drive is out of the unit. Too unstable. I did a fids copy to the new drive and put it to rest.

I have all of my music on there, and adding new music seems to work.

The problem is with adding a new playlist. That's why I was wondering if I was doing something wrong. i.e. using jemplode or adding it to a playlist via ctl+y. I gave up after 2 fsck's since it was driving me mad!.

Perhaps I need to create a playlist empty then sync then add tunes to it. Funny cause the music I added was via drag and drop with folder structures that created new playlists and that went fine...

Hmm alpha must really mean play with this at your own peril and risk of hair loss....
Posted by: jarob10

Re: Drive Upgrade then alpha8 sync issues - 08/03/2005 07:48

I have had similar problems even with 2.0 final.

For my last big (initial) upload following a HDD upgrade, I had to roll back to 1.03 which worked flawlessly, in two 60GB chunks IIRC.