
Posted by: tfabris

Demo... - 15/09/2000 13:58

Not that he needed any more convincing to buy one, but HighWayDrifter just stopped by my office to get a demo of the Empeg. Nice guy. He seemed pretty impressed by the Empeg.

His main concern was the sound quality- he wanted to hear one in action. My car isn't competition quality by any stretch of the imagination, but it managed to showcase the sound well enough for him. I think he came away a believer. I'll let him jump in here and give you his impressions of the Empeg if he wants...

Tony Fabris
Posted by: loren

Re: Demo... - 15/09/2000 14:43

where is HighWayDrifter located? er...i mean...where are YOU located HighwayDrifter?

I'd be happy to give a demo if you'd like... i've got a pretty souped up system, not competition, but it pounds DnB pretty nice. I'm in San Francisco, if you wanna check it out lemme know.

|| loren.cox
|| 080000446
Posted by: HighWayDrifter

Re: Demo... - 15/09/2000 18:05

in fairfield bro. work in san ramon stay during the week in fairfield and weekends sometimes (when i can bring my self to go visit my family and not party) sacramento (granite bay to be exact). as for sound quality. I was very impressed with its capabilities.. honestly thought it could have sounded... what is this u say u consider your self an audiophile? ;) *playing devils advocate here* yes i do my thought being the following. im still going to have a cd deck (in glovebox) for those times my freidns hop in and say dude u have to hear this track allso for comps if i ever get to them.. my concern was the following if teh mp3's didnt sound that good or didnt have good freq reproduction will i have to spend another 900 or so for a good dsp and eq. my simple conclusion now is not likely. hell if i need more tweakability with the sound yada yada im sure someone somewhere has made or is thinking of making a hardercore software based eq (my freind has told me about a few in linux allready) + to add to all this it has nifty little lights that blink in cool lil patterns ;)

hell it just rocks u know it, i know it, we all know it.

btw tony is a very cool guy and i appreciate it that he let me see his empeg and listen to it hats off to tony.

BTW tony u will have a perm VIP status at Club Portal, when it is done just cause i can do that..hehe thanx for sitting down and taking the time to talk to me, it was a fun time and well worth the drive to meet u and see the empeg

Im as confused as a baby in a topless bar...
Posted by: HighWayDrifter

Re: Demo... - 15/09/2000 18:08

btw wehre exactly are u located loren? u say sf but u have to drive across the bridge to go to work do u work in the city or san rafel or what? eheh as i have been going to san rafel alot lately was curious. hell maybe i can see 2 epegs in action.. not sure if that is a good idea as seeing tonys is making me VERY VERY impateint. :)

Im as confused as a baby in a topless bar...
Posted by: ricin

Re: Demo... - 15/09/2000 20:31

Wow, other people actually live in Fairfield other than me?
Definately get an empeg man, you know you can't resist.

Btw, Tony really does seem like a nice guy, seems to do nothing but help everyone out around here. Just gotta say thanks to him, I know I'll probably be asking a lot of questions in the future.


Empeg: Resistance is futile.
Mk2/36GB/Blue -- On it's way to my house

Posted by: HighWayDrifter

Re: Demo... - 15/09/2000 21:10

dont tell me u have one to.. omfg im goign to be so mad if everyoen has one but me!!!!!!!! haha ya mano squarefeild blows to be nice. what side do u live on mano? did u go to school there? (im class of 98) shoot me off an email bro.

Im as confused as a baby in a topless bar...
Posted by: HighWayDrifter

Re: Demo... - 15/09/2000 21:10

dont tell me u have one to.. omfg im goign to be so mad if everyoen has one but me!!!!!!!! haha ya mano squarefeild blows to be nice. what side do u live on mano? did u go to school there? (im class of 98) shoot me off an email bro.

Im as confused as a baby in a topless bar...