Where to find song info?

Posted by: tonyc

Where to find song info? - 23/09/2000 16:39

Okay... My 18GB Empeg is now around 70% full. I'm starting to take some of my MP3's and add in information like the Year of release, Album name, etc. Where is a good source of info for these things? Billboard would seem to be a good start, but they charge an exorbanant amount for membership. Is there any other good place to get this stuff? CDDB's web page search doesn't work very well, and doesn't contain the year of release. I'd like to be able to search for a tune by name or artist and get some of the other info. Any good leads?

Also, it'd be nice to have the Comment field displayed on the Track info screen. I've already said this in the wish list forum but it would be nice for any extra info, like peak chart position, concert information, etc.

MkII 080000554
Posted by: Liufeng

Re: Where to find song info? - 23/09/2000 18:51

I've found Allmusic.com to be more than helpful.

Reg #2845: Mark 1 #00173, Mark 2 #119
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Where to find song info? - 23/09/2000 19:16

Cool. Good site. Nice search features. Works for me :) Thanks.

MkII 080000554
Posted by: alear

Re: Where to find song info? - 24/09/2000 10:59

Not sure if it is even close to as efficient as mentioned above but I have used a free service by kick.com which brings up song information as you play the song. Its tied into winamp. Not sure exactly how it works but seems to work OK.

Alex Lear
Posted by: bootsy

Re: Where to find song info? - 24/09/2000 11:00

Allmusic.com is a great resource... I have, however, found some of their entries to be less than accurate. Probably less than 1%, but I would still be aware of it.

I've tried to alert them twice that track 2 of "Dial M-A-C-E-O" is NOT 'Rabbits in the Peach Tree'... Arg.

heh... just checked. They finally fixed it! I take it all back...

Brian H. Johnson
MK2 36GB Blue
"Born to Lose..."
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Where to find song info? - 24/09/2000 14:43

Yeah, it appears they do listen to suggestions. One time I emailed them about their review of the comp album S.F.W.
It appeared that all the capital letters were missing! And not just lower-cased but the letters weren't there! But they appear to have fixed it now.