Haven't been around in a while...

Posted by: BleachLPB

Haven't been around in a while... - 16/12/2005 14:23

So I haven't posted in a while... just thought I'd drop by with some thoughts

The other day, I bought an IPod Video - the thing is awesome. But, I somehow managed to mangle my entire MP3 collection on my house server by letting iTunes reorganize it. I probably wasn't paying enough attention, but needless to say I wasn't pleased.

Empeg to the rescue! I decided instead of reconstructing all the directory structures and file names - I would simply dump my empeg onto my server using jemplode (with leading 0's for track numbers!). I let that sit copying over night - Problem resolved!

I've just got to say that even now, years and years after the Empeg went EOL - it never ceases to amaze me the amount of support, contributions from the community, etc that still continue to exist.

With my current job and schedule, I don't have a whole lot of time to spend on forums or the Internet anymore, but I'll definitely make an effort to stop by more often!

Oh and despite the iTunes woes - I still like the Ipod Video... Needless to say I set all the features in iTunes now to "manual".

I like the new Empeg Wiki!
Posted by: BleachLPB

Re: Haven't been around in a while... - 16/12/2005 14:27

oh and I forgot to add, iTunes has nothing on emplode/jemplode... Emplode and jemplode are way more intuitive and IMO have much better interfaces.

But you already knew that.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Haven't been around in a while... - 16/12/2005 16:39

Preach it, brotha!
Posted by: webroach

Re: Haven't been around in a while... - 16/12/2005 17:25

oh and I forgot to add, iTunes has nothing on emplode/jemplode... Emplode and jemplode are way more intuitive and IMO have much better interfaces.

But you already knew that.

I disagree. Both emplode and jemplode are fantastic programs, but neither seems to support unicode properly. This puts iTunes on top IMHO. And to be honest, the interface in iTunes seems FAR more intuitive for the way I work. This isn't a slam on emplode / jemplode, just a matter of taste really. I'd be curious to know how you feel it is less intuitive, though.

I've never had iTunes crash while uploading music (because I forgot to rename the mp3 to something with only western characters) causing me to wait for 2 hours while my iPod checks its discs and rebuilds its database 3 times, either.

I would be thrilled if RMM had empeg support, as it correctly handles unicode and I have never experienced problems while working in it. Until then (ie. from now on) it's likely that the music that is currently on my empeg what will be there for the forseeable future. It's just too much of a pain putting music with non-western tags on it.

Don't get me wrong; I'm forever appreciative for the Japanese-capable empeg player software, and I think (as I said) that emplode / jemplode are amazing programs. They just don't do what I need them to do very well. iTunes, on the other hand, does EXACTLY what I need it to do.

Now who wants to figure out how to use iTunes for the empeg?
Posted by: loren

Re: Haven't been around in a while... - 16/12/2005 21:39

iTunes works fine with a Rio Riot....
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Haven't been around in a while... - 16/12/2005 23:43

You're hardcore about the unicode!
Posted by: webroach

Re: Haven't been around in a while... - 17/12/2005 00:30

You're hardcore about the unicode!

I sure am. I think it's because I am acutely aware that the whole world doesn't just use roman letters and accent marks. In fact, the majority doesn't. To me it's a matter of respect for other cultures.

Unicode gives us a well thought out way to make sure that all people can use software in their own language. I would go so far as to say that I will never buy another piece of hardware or software that isn't unicode compliant. Apple gets the concept, and I can't understand what's keeping the rest of the world from catching up.

Hell, my iBook even has Ainu (the language of the native Japanese people and about as popular as Mohawk) as an option in its internationalization settings. As if I needed another reason to believe that Apple is the platform for linguistics.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Haven't been around in a while... - 17/12/2005 00:59

You're hardcore about the unicode!

Well, yeah, Dude! -- He's not from North America!
Posted by: webroach

Re: Haven't been around in a while... - 17/12/2005 21:57

Well, yeah, Dude! -- He's not from North America!

Sure I am. Well, almost. I was born in New York. Which is kind of North America.