Java Emptool

Posted by: mcomb

Java Emptool - 05/10/2000 16:11

OK, I thought I would mention this here for anyone who does not read the programming forum. Mike Schrag (mschrag) has created a java verion of emptool. So far it has been reported to work under Windows, LinuxX86, LinuxPPC, MacOS 9, MacOS X Beta, Solaris, and Tru64 unix! So, this is a great option for those of us without supported OSes. Note that discovery on some platforms (MacOSX and maybe LinuxPPC) seems to have problems so you may have to specify your empeg's IP. Checkout the full thread at...

or Mike's jemptool page at...

If you have a mac (with OS9 or earlier) you want the .sit file. Otherwise grab the latest .jar add it to your classpath and 'java mschrag.empeg.emptool.Main'

And thanks Mike!

Edited by mcomb on 6/10/00 00:13 AM.

Posted by: jpski

Re: Java Emptool - 05/10/2000 20:41

I'm a Java developer who would love to help out. I'll take a look at the code when I get a chance.
